Chapter 2

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The first month of summer I spent nearly everyday with Leah or Abby, distractingly myself while Bram and Nick were at soccer camp. I literally had a count down set on my phone for the day he came back.

They weren't allowed to have phones so our only source of communication was through the occasional letters. I loved reading and re-reading his perfectly grammatical notes, and trying not to fuck up my grammar on the return.

"Aw shit," Abby said after reading a letter she had just gotten from Nick. It was the day they came home, but the letters usually took three days to arrive from the day they were sent.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Nick got sick and had to miss most of the final tournament."

"Damn. He was really excited for that." We were waiting at the bus stop where they should be arriving in five minutes.

The bus pulled up seven minutes later and teenage boys with soccer calves started pouring out. Leah hadn't come, saying she had a family thing. She always seemed to have a family thing when our plans involved Abby.

Finally I saw Bram's bright red sneakers and curly hair emerge from the bus. He dropped his duffel bag when I nearly knocked him over in a hug.

"How was camp?" I asked, still holding him in an embrace.

"Really good. I missed you so much though."

"I missed you too. And this." I leaned in to kiss him on the lips, something I am usually hesitant to do in public.

A weary looking Nick was stepped back from Abby and came over to bro-hug me.

"Lovers reunited," he said, gesturing to me and Bram.

"Hey dude, how are you feeling?"

"A lot better. Of course I could move again right after the tournament ended. Bram and I had such a good team, but we lost because I wasn't playing."

Bram laughed.

"Sucks dude," I said. My attention was turned away from Nick by Bram sneezing twice.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure this idiot has been determined to get me sick too," he said. Nick was already too deep in conversation with Abby to notice the accusation.

"We still on for tomorrow?" I inquired.

"Yeah, I just gotta get sleep tonight and I'll be good in the morning."

Bram's mom had just arrived and I stepped back to allow them to greet each other.

"We gotta hang soon, Spier," Nick said. "You free tomorrow?"

"No, I have plans with Bram," I said. "Maybe the day after?"

"Don't forget about me you idiot," Abby smacked Nick. "We are hanging out tomorrow."

"Goodnight, Si, I'll see you tomorrow," Bram said, tapping my shoulder.

"Get ready for an epic day," I said.

"Can't wait." He pecked me on the lips quickly before following his mom to the car.

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