Chapter 4

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In October they finally announced the school musical—something i had honestly been looking forward to since the year started. We would be putting on "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat." But the really amazing thing was the Abby convinced Nick to try out.

Obviously Nick has an amazing voice, but he was so dedicated to soccer I didn't think he would take enough time off to dedicate to musical rehearsals. He of course got the lead of the whole musical the first time he tried out for anything. As in the Show was about Joseph and he played Joseph.

I of course got cast in more of a side role playing one of Joseph's brothers—Simeon, because of course Mrs. Albright couldn't resist. The only bad part about all of this was that Martin Addison was playing my brother, Reuben.

I had to forgive him. I knew that. I couldn't ignore him for the next four months when we have rehearsal every freaking day after school and we are in a bunch of scenes together. I was still angry as hell, but it was long enough. I had to get over it.

"Martin, can we talk?" I asked him.

The clumsy child actually tripped over his feet in the one step he took towards me, then used my shoulder to help balance himself before letting out a whispered stumbling apology. I simply took one more step back and inhaled deeply to prepare for this conversation.

"I need to forgive you," I said. The words made
me feel sick but I knew they were right.

The clown's face lit up like a fucking Christmas tree.

"Simon, really. Ohmigod I'm still so sorry I will never ever hurt you again—"

He seemed like he was ready to ramble for the next hour so I stopped him.

"I am forgiving you because we are going to be in this musical together and forced to spend a lot of time around each other. This does not mean I will ever forget what you did, or that I necessarily want to be friends, but I do need to have some kind of closure before spending every single freaking day after school in rehearsal with you."

Martin's face dropped a little, but he nodded about ten times in a row and thanked me before standing there awkwardly staring at my forehead for about ten seconds.

"See ya later, Martin," I said, and turned to walk away.

Before I could get in my car to leave, Leah stopped me.

"Why the hell were you just talking to Martin Addison?" She asked.

"I had to forgive him, Leah."

"Oh the hell you did not. Do you not remember when he fucking outed you to the entire school?"

I took a deep breath. I knew it was only because she loved me, but Leah could get seriously harsh.

"Yes Leah, I remember the worst moment of my entire life. But I'm going to be in a musical with him, and it's just not practical to go on hating him forever."

"Well it's what I intend to do," she said, before storming away. Sometimes I really didn't understand Leah. I was about to invite her to come home with me, and then she suddenly storms off like I had somehow personally wronged her by trying to be a decent person and move on from the horror that was last year.

The minute I got home, I got a call from Abby.

"You forgave Martin Addison," she said. "Seriously?"

"How do you even know?" I asked, I mean, it's not like she talked to Leah.

"Leah texted Nick and Nick texted me. Simon do you remember what he did to you?"

"Oh my god why do people keep asking tat? I obviously remember what he did, Abby!"

I was mad at that point and I hung up before I had to deal with anymore of my friends. Instead I called Bram. I trusted him to understand.

"Hi," he said softly. "Nick texted me what you did."

"Please don't yell at me," I said, "I've already gotten enough of that,"

"I'm not going to yell at you," Bram's voice was so kind. "I obviously want you to be careful around him, and I still haven't forgiven the asshole for what he did to you, but if you feel like this is the best choice for you, I support it."

My heart melted. I had the best boyfriend ever. J

Just then, my phone started beeping, and Abby was trying to call me again. I asked Bram to hold on, then reluctantly took her call.

"Si, I'm really sorry. I know it's not my place to tell you what to do," she said.

"No, it's not."

"I know, Si, I'm so sorry. Will you forgive me too?"

I smiled. "Of course you idiot."

After talking to Abby, I hung up and called Bram back. After a hard day, he was the one I really waned to talk to.

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