Chapter 3

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I have to admit I spent an abnormal amount of time on my appearance. It was 11:30 and I was jut about to grab my car keys and pick up Bram when i noticed a long text from him waiting for me.

'Hey, Si,' it read. 'I'm really sorry but I have to take a rain check on today. I woke up with a fever and I can barely move.'

My heart literally started to hurt, thinking about having to wait to see Bram, but also picturing him miserably lying in bed. I couldn't let either of those things happen.

I typed back, 'if you could have anything in the world right now, what would it be?

He just answered with a '?'

'Just answer the question.'

I saw that he was typing.

'I guess just something to distract me from how shitty i feel.'

I smiled and texted back, 'I can take care of that.'

My phone suddenly started buzzing with a call from Bram.

"You're not actually thinking of coming over here?" he said.

"You need company and I need to see you. It just makes logical sense."

"Si, I'm sick."

"I know."

"I don't want to get you sick."

"I don't get sick."

"That's such a lie, Simon. You've already been sick twice since we started dating."

"Well then I don't care. It would be worth it."

"I look like a mess."

"You always look amazing."

He sighed. "Simon..."

"Bram if you can honestly tell me that selfishly you don't want me to show up with a movie and distract you from your misery then I won't come."

He went silent.

"See you in twenty," I sang.

"Simon, you're crazy."

"I love you too." I hung up before he could say anything else.

I rushed to our basement to search through our movie collection. Eventually I decided on the fourth (and best) Harry Potter movie (despite the fact that they all having very unflattering long hair that year. The plot is fire though.) Bram once told me that he had only seen each of the Harry Potter movies one time through. That's basically blasphemy. It's worse than having never seen them. At least if you haven't seen them you can plead ignorance to their awesomeness, but if you have, and don't immediately re-watch them... well, like I said. Blasphemy.

I put the DVD and my computer into my backpack and left for the car.

"Have fun with Bram!" my mom called.

I didn't tell her about the change of plans. I was worried she would be a mom and tell me not to go so I wouldn't get sick.

"Simon," Bram's mom said when she opened the door to see me standing on the porch. "Did Bram forget to cancel your plans? He isn't feeling well."

"No, he told me. I just changed the plans."

"Simon, Bram is sick, he needs to rest."

"He knows I'm coming. Please, he needs a distraction."

She sighed and then motioned for me to go upstairs, saying "Stay healthy for goodness sake."

I walked into Bram's meticulously clean room, a place I had only been once before. He was lying on the bed facing the opposite wall. I knocked on the doorframe so he would know I was there.

"Simon, hey," he scooted into a seated position and faces me.

"Do you need to sleep?" I asked. "Should I come back later?"

"No, honestly I slept all morning and I need a break from napping."

I set my backpack at the foot of the bed and sat down next to him.

"Don't come to close," he warned.

"Bram, I came here. I want to be near you. No freaking sickness will stop that and neither will you."

He shook his head but allowed me to come close to him. Even in his Creekwood High Soccer hoodie he was shivering being out from under the covers.

I quickly set up the movie on the laptop, then pulled him into my arms to keep him warm. I sat up against the bed frame and he half laid down with his head on my chest and my arms wrapped around him. He eventually started shivering and I rested my chin on his head as Harry woke up from his nightmare.

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