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Saturday nights were always boring for Sal. He wanted to do something,hang out with someone in fact. He pulled out his phone to see if anyone was online when he saw Travis Phelps pop up as online,bingo. At one in the morning this Christian boy was on, and he has church in the morning he should be asleep. Instead of criticizing the boys sleep schedule he  opened up his chat with him and sent him a text.

Sal:Dude,you up?


Sal:Wanna hang out?


Sal:The church?


Sal:Come on,dude don't be a pussy!

Travis:ugh!Fine,but I'm not a pussy!


Sal:I'm heading to the church see you there.

Travis:Okay,meet you there.


Sal turned off his phone throwing it into his backpack,and throwing on a jacket then leaving the house. It was cold,but not too cold to hang out in his opinion. He didn't live that far from the curch,so it wouldn't be that bad.Travis lives right next to the church,so he definitely won't pussy out because he's cold. Soon enough Sal was at the church, and hopefully Travis was inside.

Slowly opening the door to the church to see the back of a blonde boy in his pajamas. Travis didn't even notice him come in until Sal went up to try and scare him."Ahhhh,"Sal screamed at the top of his lungs making Travis jump,and fall backwards."You dick," Travis yelled picking himself off of the church floor. Sal giggled at Travis for being well Travis. Travis looked up at Sal blushing slightly thinking about how cute he looked in the moonlight. Sal noticed Travis looking at him,but pretended he didn't see it and quickly looked down at his shoes.

"What are we even going to do here," Travis said breaking the silence between the two. "No idea," Sal said quickly looking back up to where Travis was. "Wanna play a game," Travis questioned Sal thinking that Sal would probably say no to him. "Sure,how about hide and seek," Sal replied to Travis' question which honestly made Travis kind of shocked from him saying that expecting him to say no. "I'll seek,so you can go hide," Travis said to him looking away and closing his eyes. Sal didn't even say anything because he knew that he was going to start counting,and ran to find a spot to hide.

Sal ran into a room that looked like an office for Travis' dad who was the preacher. He crawled under a desk in the middle of the room then pulling the chair in,so it would look like he wasn't there. All he had to do now was wait for Travis to try and find him,but to surely give up. He tried to be as quiet as he could,so when he did come to find him it'd be harder because he was trying to be quiet. That's when he heard him. Travis was coming to find him.
To be continued...

The Church (Sal x Travis) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now