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He tried to be as quite as he could be, so he wouldn't be found by Travis. He figured this was the best place to hide in the church, he was wrong. It was the first place Travis went to look for Sal. At first Travis was just looking into the two small closets just big enough to fit someone like Sal into, but he found nothing. Soon after looking there he went to the second best place, under the desk. He slowly crept over to where his father's desk was and bent down to see Sally Face sitting there waiting to be found.

"Found you," Travis screamed looking at Sal making him jump from the sudden noise. "No fair! There is no where good to hide in this stupid church," grumbled sal. " Hey! This church isn't stupid, probably the best thing this town got actually," Travis protested at Sal's remark about the church. Sal didn't respond to what Travis said because all it would do was cause trouble between the two, so he stayed quite. He didn't wanna play hide and seek again because well there were no good hiding places and he think Travis didn't wanna play either.

"Let's do...something else," Sal said looking into Travis chocolate colored eyes causing him to blush. "Haha,agreed," Travis said in response to Sal. "What should we do," Sal quickly spat out at Travis. "No idea," travis whispered under his breathe leading to awkward silence. The two both sat there on the uncomfortable carpet looking at the wall trying to figure out something to do.

Travis turned his head slightly looking towards Sal, he knew exactly what he wanted to do. He wanted to kiss Sal maybe even hug him. He just wanted some form of contact with him. He couldn't just kiss him though, that'd be too rude or weird. 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2019 ⏰

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