BAE!?🥶- chp.6

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Zoey in the mm^
Brianna POV
I was gon so called introduce Marcus to everyone I knew so he could know. "Okay you ready" I said excited. "Yea go head" he said not tryna keep up. "Okay you know Kayla an Jordan already, this is my roommate Zoey" I said pointing at Zoey as she waved. "This is my bestfriend Daunté" I said pointing at Daunté. "Wassup bro" Daunté said in a deep ass voice. "Y'all this is Marcus" I said. Then I looked around for somebody else to introduce other than Mike but there was no one else I knew. "Nah introduce me Bri" Mike said. I sighed "this is Mike, my ex" I said ashamed that I ever dated such a player. I looked up at Marcus and he had a froze facial expression on his face like a bitch I know damn well you ain't just say yo ex expression. Then I looked at Mike catching him smirking at me so I mugged him.
Marcus POV
"This is my bestfriend Daunté" "wassup bro" the lul nigga said in a deep ass voice. Hell no. This mfka voice was deep as hell an on top of that he got looks, I mean not better ones than the kidd ya know. Then when I was thinking i here a nigga say "Nah introduce me Bri" in my mind I'm like who is this irrelevant ass nigga. "This is Marcus, my ex" I was standing there stuck as hell like bitch no you did not. I was low key hurt as hell. "Okay... lemme introduce you." I said . "Alright I'm ready" she said. I was gon be petty but nah she smiled and changed the whole mood. "This my roommate and teammate Elijah and that's my homeboy Tyler he my teammate too but we closer than that" I said pointing to Elijah and Tyler who were talking to each other. "Oou they kinda cute" Kayla whispered to Jordan but she was horrible at that because me and Brianna both heard it loud and clear. I shook my head and we both laughed.
Brianna POV
So right after Marcus introduced me, the teacher came in "Alright students take a seat, I don't have assigned seats in here" he said closing the door. Me Kayla and Jordan looked back at the same time to see who it was. When he turned around my heart dropped. This man was the finest teacher I ever saw in my life. "Oh. My. Jesus" Jordan said surprised as hell. "It's finna be a fun year" Kayla said smirking.
Professor Samí was fine as hell:

"Um you guys can use your cell phones, socialize and everything get to know each other while I situate myself and finish lesson plans for the week

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"Um you guys can use your cell phones, socialize and everything get to know each other while I situate myself and finish lesson plans for the week." He said while he had everyone's undivided attention. "Damn he fine as hell" I said lowly. "Ahahah you can't be doin that BriBri" Kayla said. "1. I claimed him 2. I already claimed him and 3. U got Marcus and M-" she was saying but got cut off. "Oou if you say that bum ass nigga name imma poke yo eye out wit this pencil" I said sounding serious as hell. "Ight damn."
By the time lunch rolled around we all met up. Ofc I brought Zoey and Daunté came along WITHOUT Mike because ian want him coming. Marcus, Elijah, and Tyler came too. In first period I had whispered to Daunté that Zoey had a crush on him. He kinda liked her too so that was easy as hell. "Um Bri y'all still goin to the dance right?" Marcus said catching me off guard. "Uh Yea why" I said.  "I want you to be my date to it" he said with a lot of hesitation. "Yea that sounds alright" I said low key happy asf but not letting it show. "Ight" he said. "Issa bet, be at my dorm by 6, bae" I said tryna make the li hairs on his neck stand up. I half of me was juss jokin the other half was for real. I looked for Daunté but couldn't find him but then I looked over and seen him and Zoey kissing. "Omggggg, y'all so cute" I said while Kayla and Jordan hands went over their mouth. "Y'all turn" I said referring to Kayla and Jordan. We walked to Marcus, Elijah, and Tyler who were arguing. "What y'all arguing bout" I said butting into their conversation. "They mad cause I'm takin you to the dance and they don't have dates" he said. "They do have dates" Kayla said. "We do?" Elijah and Tyler said in sync. "They do?" Marcus said with a confused look on his face. "" Kayla and Jordan said in sync walking up behind them. "Well okay then... I guess everybody got dates for the dance" Zoey said walking up to us. "Yea everybody be ready at 6" I said. "Bet that up" Tyler said walking away with Jordan as every other couple broke apart from the group circle. 🥴

How y'all like this chapter and what y'all want to happen?💜

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