chapter two

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annie's pov
as i walk into chemistry class, i see johnny at our table already writing something. i don't think he noticed i was there but he was writing some type of love note i guess.
annie: hey johnny!
johnny: *notices annie is there and puts the note away* h-h-hey ...
annie: what was that?
johnny: n-nothing ...
annie: anyway, can we hang out today? we haven't hung out since a pretty long time.
johnny: s-sure ... ?
annie: okay, love you.
johnny: o-okay ...
annie's pov
i hated the fact that he didn't say it back. we use to say it 24/7. now he barely says it. im the only one saying it. i saw johnny writing the note again. but it seemed to me as if he were hiding it from me. i tried to shrug it off. i went to my second class til lunch came by.
annie: hey lauren! *says while going to they're table*
lauren: hey anns! anything happened?
annie: i saw johnny writing some type of love note in chem, i thought if he was cheating with me.
lauren: nonsense, he doesn't go out and i don't hear him calling girls.
annie: what if he texts them? what if he goes out at night to see them?
lauren: then he's making a big mistake.
annie: *sighs* i guess. i said "i love you* again, he wouldn't respond back. except with okays and all.
lauren: he'll probably warm up to you.
annie's pov
once school was over, i went to go see johnny at his locker looking at the note and putting it back into his pocket. i walk over to him to ask him where we can hang out.
annie: hey john!
johnny: *looks at annie* hey annie ...
annie: so, i was thinking where we can go for our hangout today?
johnny: i-i have homework to do.
annie: oh, well, i can do it with you. i have homework as well.
johnny: i-im fine.
annie: alright, well ill hang out with lauren then.
annie's pov
so me and lauren go into johnny's car. it was dead silent. we go into the orlando's house and johnny quickly goes upstairs, closing his door, but not fully close. me and lauren go upstairs to do our homework and once we're done, we talk about random stuff.
annie: he literally forgot about our hang out today.
lauren: what a dumbass.
annie: he's not dumb, it's just that i feel like he doesn't want to spend time with me at all.
lauren: yeah, a dumbass.
annie: whatever, ill go check on him.
lauren's mom: kids! dinners ready!
lauren: okay! you better be quick.
annie: *goes inside johnny's room and sees he isn't there*
annie's pov
i was roaming around johnny's room when i saw a picture of me and him on his nightstand. i go over to his desk and see an open book writing letters. i flip through the pages, and see they're all about me. i look to another side to see a pile of pictures of us from before. now we barely take any.
johnny: annie! wh-what are you doing?
annie: oh um, your mom called for dinner.
johnny: o-okay ... *says while closing his book*
annie's pov
we were all eating dinner and once we were done we all just went on our phones til caleb came to pick me up.
annie: bye laur!
lauren: bye anns! *says while hugging her*
annie: bye johnny, love you. *says while trying to hug him*
johnny: *kind of hugs her back and gives her a doll*
hey guys just want to let you know that there might not be a lot of chapters for this story. but i am trying to make this interesting.

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