chapter five

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lauren's pov
while i was doing homework on my laptop downstairs, i hear the front door bang. i see an angry but sad johnny walk up the stairs he was crying, ive never seen him like this before.
lauren: what's wrong?
johnny: annie broke up with me. *says while crying*
lauren: s-she did?
johnny: has she not heard all the dolls ive have her? i actually do lover her. here, give her this doll on your way to her. *says while throwing it to lauren* i hope she does realize that i do love her. *says while walking upstairs*
lauren: i quickly turned off my laptop and ran to annie's house with the doll. screw homework, knowing the advice i gave to annie turns me into a horrible friend. i didn't expect him to actually say those words. he was really by her side all this time.
lauren: *knocks on the door*
caleb: *opens the door* hey la—
lauren: hey caleb, bye caleb! *says while running up to annie's room*
lauren: *sees annie with bloodshot eyes and the pile of dolls* annie ...
annie: lauren, i-i broke up with him. *says while crying still*
lauren: i know, he was crying as well ...
annie: why is he crying? he's the one who never cared!
lauren: *picks up one of the dolls and presses on them*
*the doll has a voice of johnny saying "i love you"*
annie: w-what?
"i love you" - johnny's voice
*annie pressed on all of the dolls except the last one*
lauren: here's the last one. *says while handing it to her*
"julianna, it's december 13th. the day we have officially made love together. we have loved each other for over a year. i know it may seem like i don't love you, but i really do. i was just too shy to say it ever since you have been friends with some other boys. but if you just forgive me after not being my real self, i promise i will say those three words you've been wanting me to say. i will do whatever you want because i love you. happy one year anniversary julianna grace leblanc, i love you baby girl." - johnny's voice
annie: *cries ever more while hugging lauren*
lauren: im sorry ... i should've never told you that.
annie: h-he loves me ...
lauren: *sighs* i know he does, i know. *says while rubbing annie's back*
annie: *sits up and wipes her tears* all this time, ive been waiting for a response, and he actually gave me one. what should i do lauren?
lauren: well, you could go back to him.
annie: i bet he hates me right now.
lauren: i don't think he'll ever hate you.
annie: can you come with me?
lauren: of course.

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