chapter four

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annie's pov
it's been a week and johnny still hasn't made a real conversation with me at all besides giving me some dolls. these dolls have been piled up in my room ever since he gave them to me. ive been seeing in school that he would talk to other girls, laugh, and smile like crazy. something that he hasn't done with me. today was our one year anniversary. i was hoping he'd remember.
lauren: hey anns! *says while hugging her*
annie: hi lauren! *says while hugging her back*
annie: i hope johnny remembers today ...
lauren: your one year anniversary?
annie: yep.
lauren: if im being honest, i ...
*bell rings*
annie: i gotta get to class, see you later?
lauren: yep.
annie: oh and tell me during lunch.
lauren: *sighs* okay.
annie: *walks into class* hey john!
johnny: h-hey a-annie ...
annie: do you know what today is?
johnny: december 13th?
annie: y-yeah i-it is ...
annie's pov
i was devastated knowing that johnny didn't know what today was. i felt heartbroken. extremely heartbroken.
*at lunch*
lauren: hey annie!
annie: *sighs* hey lauren ...
lauren: what's the problem?
annie: he forgot.
lauren: only if you knew what i thought *says under her breath*
annie: knew what? what did you thought of?
lauren: i don't think you should keep on chasing johnny anymore, you keep leaving yourself heartbroken. and you know im right.
annie: i never really thought of that ...
lauren: well, it is your decision.
*skip to annie at her house*
annie's pov
what lauren said, it made me realize, did me and johnny ever did have a relationship? we're we even real? or was he just using me? so many thoughts and emotions came to me. i felt a tear roll down my cheek. then my phone ringed up to seeing johnny text me. it said to meet him at the park near the grocery store. i wasn't sure what for, but i think i knew what to do even if it would break me into a million pieces.
*at the park*
johnny: you came! i didn't expect you to come. *says while giving her the doll*
annie: i don't need it.
johnny: w-what? why n-not?
annie: you have changed so much. we used to act like if we were a real couple but are we  now? you don't even say "i love you" to me anymore. you barely talk to me, give me all those great messages. i bet they're for some other girls you talk to.
johnny: i ...
annie: save it, im done with you johnny orlando. you made me feel heartbroken this whole time! and i was so clueless to even know. *says while walking away*
johnny: i-im sorry ... i l-love y-you ... *says underneath his breath*

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