Pissed off neighbors and discarded thoughts - 6

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I wish I could tell you that after the kiss, everything went smoothly and vanilla-like.

But that would be a lie.

     "You think you know what you're doing?!"  A kiss to the neck. "You don't know the first thing about absolute functions or rational numbers." A kiss to the lips.

Or if we were feeling particularly sentimental one fine day,

     "Fuck you! Fuck you and all the things you make me feel!" A back slammed into the wall and a moment for breath."Casey, calm down." Silence, and more silence. And following absurd motions. And a deep breath.

"May I kiss you?"

               I walked into class, covering the hickey on my neck with my scarf, and trying to hide the smirk on my face with my fatigue. I walked into math class, and spot Jackie talking with his crush, Alex. I sit next to him as Alex gets up and leaves, waving with a smile. I immediately turn to him.

"Soooooooo how'd it go?"

I laugh as he rolls his eyes and turns a bright crimson.

"Can you shut up for one moment so I can catch my breath?" 

I laugh loudly and nod, patting his arm. "Take all the time you need."

I see him open his mouth to respond when his eyes train on my neck. 

"Oh my god."

I pull my scarf up. "Jackie, no."

"Oh my god!!!" He stands up and starts jumping around like crazy. 

I groan as he giggles and laughs.

He sits back down and faces me.

"She gave you a hickey didn't she?"

"NO! Well, yes, but-"

And at that moment, Casey decided to grace us with her presence. We made eye contact and I went rigid. I could feel Jackie still as she walked towards us. 

"Hey Jackie, you left your ID card in the cafeteria. Here you go." She extended her arm, and Jackie took the card after what felt like eternity.


"No problem."

And with that she walked off.

Jackie watched her walk off and then turned slowly turned to me with her jaw dropped to the floor. I rolled my eyes, my smile betraying me.

"You two are so fucking cute."

                                 And that's how it began to proceed. Casey and I were...fine. Like, fine as in how ever normal a pychotic pair like us could get. I really, really liked her. Everything about her. The way she walks, the way she decides to do something, and then immediately doubts herself but laughs it off. The way she gets mad at me, and then spirals in apologies and doesn't know how to handle it. Her laugh. Her smile. I just...I love her.

I love her, and it'scary.

"Yo, babe, are you listening?"

I shake my head, returning to the present. Casey and I were on a walk in downtown. I was really surprised my dad let me go. I smile and squeeze her hand in mine. She smiled down at me, cocking her eyebrow.

"I can hear you thinking."

I swallow. "S-sorry."

I see her face transform.

"No, no it's fine. I didn't mean- What are you thinking about? Maybe I can help."

I stop our walk.

"Casey. I love you. I...I am like, pretty sure."

And the smile I got in return that day was beyond compare.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2019 ⏰

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