School Of Friendship is back!

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Third Pony:
It has been 3 years since Twilight and the others went off and got married. The first one who got married was Rarity, who got married to Fancy Pants and had a child called Snowflake Fall. The next one was Fluttershy, who married Discord and had a child called Sunflower Rain. The next one was Rainbow Dash, shockingly, who married Soarin Skies and had a child called Rapid Speed. The next one who got married was Pinkie, who married Cheese Sandwhich and had a child called Cupcake Pie. The next one was Applejack, who shockingly married Spike, and had a child called Appleflower Gem. The next one was Starlight, who went to vacation to the Crystal Empire, and grew feelings toward Sunburst, and they both got married and had 2 children, the first one was a colt who was named Solar Light, and the other one was a filly who was named Sunlight(they are not twins!).Last but not least, Twilight was the last one who got married to Flash Sentry, at first, Shining Armor didn't really accepted it, but then he just let them be, they had 2 children. The first one was called Nova (NOT my OC), and then they had another daughter called Hope.

Let's go back to the present.

Nova was sleeping peacefully until her fucking(sorry for swearing) alarm clock woke her up and she fell down her bed. She groaned as she rubbed her head which was hit by her nearby counter. "Stupid piece of sh-" Nova was about to say until her mother opened her bedroom door. "Nova, what did I tell you about swearing?" 'Oh, shoot', Nova thought. 'I am so dead! Dammit mom!' In the back ground you can hear some pony say: It was at this moment, that she knew, she fucked up. "Sorry mom...", Nova said. "It's ok, just don't do that ever again" Twilight said. "Ok", Nova said. "Can you wake up your sister, Nova?" Twilight asked. "Sure,mom", Nova said as she walked out of her room and entered her sister's room. "Hope wake up!" Nova yelled at Hope who was still asleep.Now that scared Hope who then woke up. "Seriously, Nova?!", Hope said angrily at Nova. "It's barely 9:00am", Hope said. "I know, I know, I know, but mom told me to wake you up, so get up" Nova said as she saw her sister get up and go downstairs with her.As they walk down that see their father, and they greet him. After that, they go to the dining room and eat breakfast, and as usual, Nova and Hope are the first one to finish, and they go outside. "Hey,Nova", Hope said to her sister as they are about to leave to Ponyville. "Yes,Hope?" Nova said. "What is that big building for?" Hope asked Nova as she pointed to the School of Friendship, still not knowing what it is. "Kind to think of it, I haven't thought to much about it. Maybe let's ask mom, I mean, its right next to the castle!" Nova said as she and Hope started to walk inside the castle again.
Twilight saw them and asked them, "You guys are back so soon?" "Well, we actually have a question to ask you", Nova said to her. "Well, what is the question?", Twilight asked. "Well, me and Nova where wondering, what is the giant building behind the castle?" Hope asked. Twilight was silent for a moment until she said, "Well that was the School of Friendship", Twilight said. "Who is it runned from?" Nova asked. "Well,.... you see...., it's actually.... it's runned" Twilight said. "Wait, hold up! You're saying that you are the one in charge of the school?" Hope asked shockingly. Twilight gulped nervously and shaked her head 'yes'. "That. Is. Awesome!!", both Nova and Hope said at the same time. "Well thanks guys", Twilight said. "So, when are you going to re-open the school?" Nova asked her. "Well I haven't thought about it", Twilight said. "Well you should!" Hope said. Then Nova had an idea. "I have an idea!" Nova said. "What is it Nova?" Twilight asked. "Maybe you can re-open the School of Friendship today!" Nova said. "I guess I could do that", Twilight said. "Then it's settled!" Hope said. "Your going to open the School of Friendship today!" Nova finished. "Alright I'm on it!" Twilight said as she ran off somewhere. "Now what?" Hope asked Nova. "I guess we just wait", Nova said as she and Hope started to climb up the stairs to there bedrooms.

A few hours later......

Nova was just reading while Hope was drawing. They both heared somepony running in the halls, they ignored it at first but then the mysterious pony opened their bedroom door and yelled,"NOVA! HOPE!" Both the sisters were so scared wondering who it was. But then they both calmed down as they realized it was just their mother. "What is it mom?" Nova asked. "The school has re-opened!" Twilight said leaving the sisters shocked.

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