Getting Prepared

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"Why do WE have to go?!" asked Hope as she was also shocked. "Well you see, as I had the School of Friendship, I thought that when someday I have children, I should let them learn here", Twilight said. "........I think you grew too fast mom", Nova said. "Hey! It's true!" Twilight said. "So if we go to your school, are you saying we will make friends?" Hope asked. "Well, if you want friends..." Twilight said. "Of course we want friends! We only had each other for the years!" Nova said. "The school is a way how to make friends", Twilight said. "No wonder it's called the School of Friendship", whispered Nova said to Hope who just chuckled. "So when is it going to re-open?", Hope asked. "By tomarrow!" Twilight said. "WHAT?!", both the sisters said. "Ok, now we have to get prepared", Nova said. "Yup, now let's start!", Hope said as she and Nova ran upstairs and started putting there things inside their saddle. "Hey, Hope, can you call Starfire?" Nova asked. (A/N: Starfire is Nova's and Hope's Phoenix that can talk, yes, it's weird, but still!))
"Yeah, sure!" Hope said. "STARFIRE!", Hope screamed. Once she said that, a Phoenix appeared in there room. "Yes, Hope?", Starfire asked. "Nova wanted me to call you", Hope said. Starfire then looked at Nova and said, "What do you need Nova?" "Oh, I was just wondering if you could get us these things", Nova said as she showed her a list of things they needed for school. "Oh.My.God." Hope said as she saw the whole list of things. "Those are a lot of things!", Starfire said. "I know! But those are all the things we will for school", Nova said. "Oh, you guys are going to the School of Friendship?", Starfire asked. "Yes, and that's exactly why we need all those stuff", Nova said. "Ok, then I should get going", Starfire said as she got the list and went out to town to get the things.

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