College Begins

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Freshman Year of College at GMDU (fictional university: George Michael Davis University?) was not something Claire Thompson was really looking forward to. It was not that the college was not good. The fact that made her dread going to GMDU were the rumors. Rumors that the freshman were bullied very badly, so badly that people avoided this college but since she had applied to only three colleges and GMDU was the only one which had selected her, she didn't have much of a choice.

Claire had honey colored hair, forest green eyes and a carefully carved face. 

She was already on campus, inside her room. In fact she had just started unpacking her stuff and her father had just left to go back to Chicago. She was currently alone in her room because her roommate had still not arrived. She hoped that it was someone nice and pleasant and not one of those creepy roommates who stay up all night watching you sleep. 

She heard a light, soft knock at the door and turned to look at the knocker. It was a girl of about her age. She had auburn hair, green eyes, high cheekbones and a warm smile. She was petite and of average height. 

"Are you Claire?" she asked. She must have asked for her name at the information desk. 

"Yes. You must be Heather" Claire replied, smiling. 

The girl nodded and smiled. She entered the room with her bag in tow. There was someone else with her. A boy, he seemed older than them but looked too young to be Heather's father. 

"I am Max, Heather's brother. Nice to meet you" the boy said and offered her his hand. Claire shook and it and replied "It's nice to meet you too". Heather didn't like handshakes so she gave Claire a fist-bump instead. 

Claire tried not to intrude on her companions and silently went back to unpacking her stuff, giving her companions some privacy. 

She arranged her giant pile of books on the shelves, she was an avid reader. Then she hung a few pictures of family on the cock-board in front of her desk. One was a family photograph which included her dogs, Snickers and Echo. Another was a picture of Claire and her elder sister May. She was working in New York. Claire missed her. She also hung a picture of her with her high school friends, Angela, Damien and Suzy. They had all went to separate universities, Claire missed them too. She finished pinning the pictures and unpacked her school books and supplied. She arranged her clothes in her closet, she was finally done. She turned back to look at Heather. 

Heather and Max had finished unpacking Heather's stuff and Max was leaving. Claire bid him goodbye and then turned to Heather. 

"Hey" Claire said, not sure what to say. 

"Hey" Heather replied, smiling. 

"So, we are going to be staying together for the next four years?" Claire asked.

"Maybe" Heather replied. 

"We should get to know each other better then" Claire said, smiling. 

Hey, guys. So, this is  my new fanfic and I hope you like it. The upcoming chapters will be much longer, I just needed a small start. If you like this story let me know, I will be glad to continue it. :)


Ash ;)

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