Chapter 11

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I woke up, but I didn't open my eyes. I heard voices.

"I feel so bad. I didn't know girls could be so mean." It was soda.

"Yeah. You should've seen her. It was horrible. She was screaming and sobbing. I felt so helpless. I pulled the pills away from her and hugged her. She kept screaming at everything. She kept telling me to let her die. She finally calmed down and we came down here." Ponyboy said from above me. I felt his hand gently pull my hair out of my face.

"Man, poor kid. Imagine life without er." Dally stated.

"Hey, Autumn, wake up." Pony lulled gently, kissing my forehead. I opened my eyes, pretending to just wake up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"How long was I out for?" I asked.

"About forty minutes. Your mom said to get you out of the house. Wanna go to the park?" Soda suggested.

"Eh I dunno. Can't I stay here?" I whined. Dally stood up and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder and running out the door. I laughed. Ponyboy grabbed my jacket and his and the gang followed us. Dally ran down the sidewalk towards the park.

"Dallyyyyyy. Put me downnnnn." I ordered, giggling and pounding on his back. He laughed.

"Never." He stated.

"Then how will I ever pee?" I asked playfully. He laughed more and kept running. We got to the park and he set me down on the swings. The other four arrived. We decided to play hide and seek tag. Two-Bit was it. I grabbed Pony's hand and we ran to the tube slide. We hid in there. Pony was sitting behind me and I was sitting in between his knees.

"Ready or not here I come!" Two announced. I smiled. We stayed put for a while, but then we started sliding down. I gasped and turned around. Ponyboy was trying his hardest not to laugh and trying to hold us up. I giggled quietly as we slid down. We fell out of the slide and doubled over, laughing.

"I saw Autumn first!" Two yelled, tagging me, then pony. I groaned playfully. We helped look for the other three. Dally was in a tree, soda was behind the port a potty and Steve was hiding behind a bush. I went to count. I counted to sixty.

"Ready or not here I come!" I yelled out. I started walking towards the slide. I looked in there. No one. I caught a glimpse of a blue hoodie. Ponyboy. I ran towards him and snuck up behind him. I jumped on his back from behind.

"Gotcha!" I shouted. I swear he jumped higher than a house. I burst out laughing and fell to the ground. He helped me up and we went to search for everyone else. I heard something drop.

"Shit!" A voice exclaimed. It sounded like dally. I smirked and followed the sound to the woods. I spotted dally and ran towards him. He saw me and started running.

"What? Your short legs aren't fast enough for me?" Dally challenged. I glared and sprinted towards him. He ran. After ten minutes, he finally gave up and let me tag him.

"Yayyyy!" I exclaimed. We found them all. Pony was it now. He went to count. I ran to the sign that read 'Tulsa Playground' and hid behind it. I heard pony yell out, "ready or not here I come!"

"Aha! I see legs!" Pony exclaimed. I peeked out and he was looking at me. He ran towards me. I screamed and started running. He caught up to me and tackled me to the ground, tickling me.

"Nooo! Not this again!" I cackled. He smirked as he leaned down and kissed me, stopping my laughing. I smiled into the kiss, and so did he.

"Hey we ain't got all day here!" Dally yelled out.

"PDA!" Steve shouted. We pulled away, laughing. We got up and followed the voices. We found everyone. After three more rounds, we sat down.


Ponyboy's POV


We sat down and talked for a while.

"Who's up for the lake tomorrow?" Two-Bit suggested. We all agreed.

"Hey Autumn wanna come to the lake tomorrow?" Soda asked. We looked over at her. She was knocked out on the grass. We all started laughing.

"We should get her home. She's had a long day." I stated. They nodded. Dally and two-bit were sleeping over, but Steve had to get home. We all said bye and he went the opposite direction. I gently picked up Autumn. Man, she's as light as a feather. I carried her to our house, dally, soda, and two following. Soda unlocked the door and we all entered. I carried Autumn up the stairs to her room. I laid her down gently on her bed. I tucked her in and was about to leave but she grabbed my wrist.

"Stay." She said, barely audible. I smiled and she scooted over. I laid down and wrapped my arms around her. She cuddled into my chest and we fell asleep.

Careless Love: A Ponyboy Curtis FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now