Chapter 21

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"C'mon sweetheart. Don't be difficult." He said, smirking. I was being cornered by a group of Socs, who had trailed me on my way home. They stepped towards me. I backed away, hitting the wall of the store. I counted five of them.

"Please. I don't want any trouble." I stated calmly, even though I was terrified.

"We just wanna have some fun." Bob replied. In a split second he had me pinned against the wall. I struggled, trying to get out of his grasp. He just tightened his grip, making me wince. A tear fell from my eye as he slipped his hand up my shirt. I squirmed, hoping to stop him. Someone held a blade up to my throat abrasively. I froze. My lips quivered as he unhooked my bra.

They raped me. All of them. When they were finished, they finally took the blade away from my throat. I slipped all my clothes on.

"Were not done with you." Randy declared. I gulped. They came towards me and I bolted down the street, ignoring the pain. Tears whipped down my cheeks as my feet hit the pavement repeatedly.

"Get back here!" I heard yells from behind me. I ignored them and kept running, as fast I could. It started to rain as I turned the corner. Soon enough, it was pouring. My hair stuck to the sides of my face as I sprinted down the street.

"Help! Please somebody help me!" I yelled. My vision was blurred through my tears. I tripped over my shoelaces and went crashing to the ground. Just my luck, I landed in a puddle. I stayed on my knees, wailing and sobbing as the rain soaked me. A dark figure was coming towards me, but I couldn't make out who it was. I heard yelling. They picked me up gently and laid something warm on top of me. That was all I saw before I blacked out.


Ponys POV


"Shit!" I cursed as it started to rain. I don't usually cuss, but I hate rain. It messes up my hair and it makes my clothes all wet and stuff.

"Help! Someone help!" I heard a voice yell. I sped up and went in that direction. A figure turned the corner and ran. They tripped and sank to their knees, crying, in a puddle. I made my way towards the person.

"Autumn?" I exclaimed as I came closer. She didn't answer, she just kept sobbing. I kneeled down next to her and pushed the hair gently out of her face. She was wailing as I took off my sweatshirt, leaving me in my white tshirt. I picked Autumn up, carefully, and laid the sweatshirt over her. I felt so bad as I looked down at her. She was clinging to my shirt like a little kid, tears streaming down her face. I carried her home, which was a couple blocks away. The rain hadn't slowed down, and we were both soaked as I carried her inside. No one was here. I carried Autumn to the couch.

"I'll be right back." I told her, as I went upstairs to her room. I grabbed her a pair of grey sweatpants, and a long sleeved dark purple shirt. I brought them downstairs with me.

"Hey Angel let's get you into some dry clothes, okay?" I asked her gently. She didn't answer. I helped her up and brought her to the bathroom. I helped her out of her soaking wet clothes, and into the dry ones. She was still crying, silently with an occasional gasp or pant. I led her to her room.

"Shh. Calm down. Take deep breaths." I ordered her, kindly. She didn't look at me. It was like she couldn't hear me. She was focusing on the wall to the left, crying. I pulled her to the bed, gently, and laid her down. I tucked her in, making sure she was comfortable. I kissed her forehead. She turned over and stared at the other wall. I was about to turn the light off, but I heard her whimpering.

"Help. Somebody help. Please." She kept repeating that over and over again. She got louder every time, until she got to the point where she was screaming it. She sat up as I rushed over to her.

"Autumn you're safe! You're okay! You're safe with me!" I told her, pulling her into my arms. Her cries slowed down, and eventually, she fell asleep. I sat down in her desk chair and dialed the number of the DX.

"DX Gasoline Station. Steve speaking." Steve greeted from the other line.

"Steve I need to talk to soda." I told him.

"Ponyboy is that you? Sodas working on a car right now, he can't talk." He informed me.

"I don't care I need to talk to him! It's important!" I exclaimed. He sighed.

"Soda it's for you!" Steve called out. There was silence for a couple seconds.

"Sodapop speaking." Sodas kind voice stated, calmly. I couldn't help it, I broke down and started crying.

"Soda it's Autumn. Something's wrong with her. You need to come home." I told him, crying.

"Alright I'll be right there. Hold tight." He replied, hanging up. I looked at Autumn. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was formed in a frown. A few minutes later, the front door opened. I jumped up and ran downstairs.

"Pony what's going on?!" Soda asked, worriedly. I gulped.

"I was walking home and I heard someone screaming for help. I found Autumn, she was kneeling in a puddle, bawling. She wouldn't answer. She just kept crying. I brought her here and the whole way home she clung to my chest really tightly. She kept repeating, 'somebody help. Please' so-" I started explaining to soda, but I was interrupted by a deafening scream.

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