Spell 1 - Balbadd's Crisis

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Jasmine arrived at Balbadd, the Great Oceanic Nation ruled by the Saluja royal family. However, after an incident while back the current king Ahbmad, has let his father's country in a deep state of decline.

She thirteen years old. Has long unkempt light blue in a braid, milky white skin and sharp amber eyes.

Wearing a beige cloak, white sleeveless shirt, baggy trousers, white shoes. A brown bag with blue straps.

Jasmine felt the country strife and called some of her group to Balbadd to aid and help the people. She owes a debt to the former king Rashid, and vows to save his country.

She came to a large ruin area little far from Balbadd and enter it. As she stood in the center, a voice came.

"Halt! Who dares enter our base?!" A loud female voice was heard. Jasmine rolled her eyes at these antics.

"Tamamohimé, is this really a time for drama?" Jasmine asked. Tamamohimé or Tama, came out floating from a behind a pillar chuckling.

She was a small white fox, yellow, turquoise and midnight blue eyes with a light red dot in the corner of thick black eyelashes, a small light blue nose, small pink cheeks and light blue tips on her large ears, small feet and arms, and tail. A large tail adorned with a gold crown and eight-pointed stars, each one in different color of the eight magic (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white and black).

"Sorry, I couldn't resist." She spoke. "Now is not the time for fooling around, Tama." Said a mature female voice.

 A small, quadruped snowy white fur, pale blue paws, blue eyes and dark blue insides inside the ears. Her locks of hair on her head and six tails are curlier with a wispy appearance. Her name was Isis.

"Issssissss issss right. We have more important mattersss at work." A deep male voice said as he slithers their way.

His name was Wadd. He is a dark green snake with black pupils.

"Everyone's a critic." Tama said. "And what took you so long to get here?" Isis asked Jasmine. "You've been gone for six months! Making everybody worried sick." "Let'sss discussss that later." Wadd said. "We have to focusssss on our goal."

Isis sighed. "Fine." Wadd coiled gently onto her as they lead the way to the meeting place.

Soon they came to a large area where there were a bunch of people.

One of them 25-year-old man with messy black with bangs below his eyes, lightly tan skin and sharp blue eyes spotted them.

He wore a sleeveless blue overcoat seamed with bluish black hemlines over a royal blue robe with a black collar and sash, black ribbons crisscross over his lower arms. Underneath the robe, he wears black pants and dark brown boots overlaid with more crisscross ribbons. His name is Son Hak.

"Well, look who's here." He spoke. "What took you so long?" "I'll explain once this is all set and done. Right now, we've got a job to do." Jasmine said as everyone listen stopping what they were doing.

"Have any of you got any information about Balbadd's current state?" She asked.

"We found some things from our spies within the palace." A 23-year-old man with white spiky styled neck-length hair, pale skin and aqua-green eyes.

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