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Maya's  POV

English class went pretty well. Luckily, I was able to sit next to Riley so I had someone I knew to turn to. I felt nervous, but it wasn't because of the class material.  We were right in the middle of a Shakespeare unit which I had studied on my own time last year when I was supposed to be studying for tests and quizzes. I guess that explains my grades from last year.

Next, Riley and I had history with her father. He seemed like a good teacher. I feel like the class material is more directed toward Riley and her friends rather than history, but I like his class so far. There's this guy named Farkle... I think. He's good friends with Riley.  There's also Zay and Smackle. What's up with all these names? The only ones with normal names are Riley and another one of her friends named Lucas.

"Good morning, Miss Hart. Nice to see you again," Riley's dad greeted.

"What's up, Matthews?" I responded, earning a shocked look from everyone.

"Maya," Riley scolded while lightly elbowing me in the side.

"What?" I said shrugging.

"Just take a seat, Miss Hart," He said pointing to the seat next to Riley's again.

After an hour of learning about some war, the bell rang and I headed to my next class.

"What do you have next?" Riley asked.

"Math, 193," I answered.

"I have that class too," Lucas said. "I'll take you, Maya."

"Great, I'm stuck with Ranger Rick," I said rolling my eyes but slightly smirking at the nickname I came up with and the annoyed look it caused on Lucas's face.

After math, I went to my locker to get my books for the last classes of the day before heading to the cafeteria.

I walked in and looked around to find a table to sit at. This was going to be impossible since it's so far into the year. I was about to resolve on sitting out in the hallway by myself when I heard my name being called.

"Maya!" Riley said waving her arm.

I walked over to her table where the rest of her friends were sitting.

"Come sit with us," she said.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "I don't want to intrude."

"No, we insist," Farkle said.

I sat next to Riley and grabbed the apple I had brought from my backpack. I ate it in 5 minutes and threw the core away.

"Maya, why don't you have anything else to eat?" Riley asked when I got back.

"I forgot my lunch money," I lied.

"I can give you some of my lunch," she offered.

"No, it's okay, Riley. But thank you."

Riley had a sad look on her face but nodded her head.

I joined into Lucas and Zay telling everyone else about their last basketball game.

"Lucas scored like 30 points!" Zay exclaimed.

"Yeah, but I nearly broke that other kid's ankle," Lucas quietly added.

"That's why I don't play sports," Farkle said. "Because of a freak face giant like Lucas."

"You're plenty good at other things, dear," Smackle reminded him.

"Do you play any sports, Maya?" Riley asked.

"I was a pretty good softball and basketball player, but I had to stop a few years ago," I said. 

"Why'd you stop? Lucas asked.

"Umm...My dad had dropped off the face of the earth a few years before that and my mom had just lost another job. The money just didn't add up," I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

"I'm sorry, Maya. I didn't know," Lucas apologized.

"It's okay, you couldn't have known," I said. "Besides, that's just the way it went," I said not wanting them to pity me. 

I wasn't going to complain about it. Cause moms lose jobs and fathers leave, there's nothing I could do about it.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Riley's arms wrapped around me.

"It's okay, Peaches," Riley said trying to comfort me.

"Peaches?" I questioned.

Riley's arms lingered for a little longer before she released me.

"Sorry, I won't call you that if you don't want me too," she said.

"No, it's ok, Riles," I said making her smile at the nickname I gave her in return.

The feeling in the pit of my stomach that her smile made me feel was going to be impossible to get rid of. But then again, I don't think I want to get rid of it. I think I have a crush on Riley Matthews.


I decided to continue this story anyway just because I wanted to see where it would go, but still don't forget to vote and comment!

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