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Riley's POV

I stood at the bottom of the steps. Standing next to me was Maya who seemed almost frozen in her place from fear. We both stared at the dark red door just feet in front of us.

Maya gulped before walking up the 3 front steps, yet she continued to stare at the door.

I grabbed her hand, "You got this, Peaches," I said with a small smile.

She smiled back nervously. Her right hand slowly and shakily made its way from her side to just in front of the door. She quickly but firmly knocked twice before her hand quickly dropped back to her side.

The door opened to reveal a man with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hey, Maya," he said.

Maya swallowed thickly. "Hi, dad."

After a few short moments of silence, he stepped back and opened the door wider. 

"Come on in," he said. "This is my wife Sophia," he said pointing to a young woman with brown hair.

"Hi, it's nice to finally meet you," she said hugging Maya.

"Hi, I'm Riley," I introduced myself to Maya's father and stepmother.

"Are you a good friend of Maya's?" Kermit asked.

"Yeah," I told them.

"Actually," Maya said taking my hand. "She's my girlfriend."

"Well, I'm glad you two found each other," Kermit said sounding sincere.

"Yeah, it is," I smiled and squeezed Maya's hand and she squeezed back.

"The baby is just playing in the other room," Sophia said. "I'll bring her in so you can meet her."

Maya and I sat on the couch while Kermit sat in the chair across from it. Sophia came back holding a baby that had the same blue eyes and blonde hair as Maya and Kermit.

"What's her name?" Maya asked. "How old is she?"

"Her name is Victoria. She's 21 months," Sophia responded. "She's fussing a little, but do you want to hold her, Maya?"

"Umm, I uhh," Maya stuttered. "I just, I don't want to hurt her," she said nervously.

"You won't hurt her, don't worry," I assured her. 

Maya carefully took Victoria into her arms and she immediately stopped fussing. The baby kept staring into Maya's eyes and trying to touch her face.

"She knows her sister," Sophia said smiling to Maya.

"What do you think?" I asked her.

"I love her," Maya said. "She's adorable."

"Well, it's time for her nap," Sophia said after a little while. "But I'm sure she'll be happy to see you the next time you come."

Maya kissed Victoria's small forehead and then gave her to her mother. Sophia carried the baby up the stairs leaving me, Maya, and Kermit.

Maya's POV

"So how are you?" Kermit asked from across from me.

"Good, I'm still adjusting though," I told him. "Mom and I just moved into the city a few weeks ago."

"How's your mother doing, has she remarried yet?" he asked curiously.

"No, she's dated a few guys, but she's usually too busy working all the time anyway," I said seeing the guilt on his face.

"How's school?" he changed the subject.

"Great, that's actually where I met Riley," I said looking to her.

Kermit gave a small smile before speaking again. "So my parents are going to be in town next weekend and it'd be great for you to come on over again."

"I don't know," I told him unsure. "I think I'll pass. I don't think I'm ready for that yet."

"Well, I was just thinking we need to make up for lost time," he said trying to convince me. "It's been almost ten years."

"And who's fault is that?" I said, harsher than I meant for it to come out. 

Riley put her hand on my shoulder to try and calm me down.

"Maya, I'm sorry for what I did, but you have to understand," he pleaded. "I was young. I just wasn't ready for you or anyone."

"Maybe I wasn't ready for this," I muttered standing up and heading to the front door.

"Maya, wait," he called just as my hand reached the door handle.

I stopped but didn't turn around to face him, trying so hard not to let the tears in my eyes fall.

"You turned out great," I heard him say with a tinge of sadness.

"Bye, Kermit," I managed to get out before opening the door and bursting into tears. I heard the door slam shut and felt arms wrap around me.

"I really thought I could do it," I cried. "I thought I could forgive him."

"It's okay," Riley said stroking my hair, still enveloping me in an embrace. "Did you forgive yourself?"


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Stay tuned cause the last couple chapters are set to come out in a few days!

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