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Maya's POV

I thought I had gotten over what happened with Kermit until someone made a comment one day.

"Maya!" a voice called me as I was walking out of a classroom.

I turned and found myself face to face with Missy Bradford.

"Is it true?" she asked.

"'It' could mean a lot of things," I rolled my eyes. "You're gonna have to be more specific."

"Is it true that  you're dating Riley Matthews?"

"Yeah, it's true," I told her.

"Wow," she said to herself. "I know Riley's slut, but I didn't know she was a lesbian. And I never would've thought you were," she said snarkily.

I started walking away. I didn't need to hear Missy trash talk Riley and me.

"But, then again, it must be part of your daddy issues."

I stopped walking with my hands balled into fists but resisted the urge to turn around.

"What do you mean, Missy?" I asked, knowing I shouldn't have, but I couldn't resist that urge.

"Your dad basically rejected you and your mom and found another family," she said.

My fists curled tighter and before I knew it I had turned around and my fist had made its way from my side to next to my ear to Missy's face.

Missy stumbled back and held her hand to her nose. When she moved it away, blood that had pooled into her hand became visible.

She charged toward me and pushed me up against the lockers. She then proceeded to hit me in the face, cutting me with the rings on her fingers.

Riley's POV

Missy had Maya against the lockers and had hit her, cutting her face. Maya responded by kicking her off and slamming her into the lockers. She brought her right fist up to the side of her head when I decided it had gone too far.

I grabbed onto her arm and pulled her fist down.

"Maya, what are you doing?" I screamed.

"Go, Riley," she said. "I'm in the middle of something," she said attempting to bring her fist back up.

Missy took the opportunity to push her, and she pushed back. I got physically between them to try and stop them when a voice yelled from across the hallway. Every student in the hallway scurried off to their next class.

"My office," he yelled.

Maya's POV

The three of us started following him to his office. "Not you, Miss Matthews. Get to class."

I smirked a little, Riley's goody-two-shoes reputation did have its perks, but I saw that Riley didn't find it as amusing as she turned and headed to her next class.

"We have a zero tolerance policy on fighting," he told me. "And as such, I am suspending you both for the next two days."

He then got the school phone and dialed a few numbers.

"Miss Bradford, you may go wait outside for your father to pick you up."

She nodded and walked out of the office.

"Miss Hart, your mother wasn't answering her cell phone."

"She's working right now," I explained.

"Do you have anyone else for me to contact; aunt, uncle, father?" he asked.

I laughed a little at that. "Nope, he's an asshole," I said.

The vice principal cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you leave until your mother comes to get you," he said.

"Please, can't I just go home by myself?" I tried to convince him. "My mom won't be done with work until 10."

He sighed. "Just this one time, the next time you will be staying until you are picked up. Good day, Miss Hart."

I got up and left smiling at the fact that I didn't have to wait for my mom to go home. Two days of no school didn't seem that bad either. My smile widened when I saw Riley out in the hallway waiting for me.

Riley's POV

"What happened?" I asked.

"I'm being suspended for the next two days, that's it," she told me. "Wait, I thought you were supposed to be in class right now."

"It was my dad's class, he let me wait for you," I said. I had to basically beg him to let me.

"Aw, that's sweet," she joked.

"We need to break up," I said.

"What?" she asked having been taken by surprise.

"We need to break up," I said again.

"Why?" She asked confused.

"Maya, you beat someone up," I breathed frustratedly.

"I wouldn't say I beat her up," she said.

"Maya, this is serious. You got into a fight," I said. "We can't go out anymore. I guess I thought you were different," I said before walking away, not giving her the chance to say anything back.


Will Maya and Riley get back together or are they done for good? Don't forget to vote and comment what you think!

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