Chapter 6: I've waited along time

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May have lemon in this chapter or next this is your ONLY warning don't go around and report me becuz I warned you before hand. enjoy!

China and Russia were relaxing when They heard a loud crash in the house. Russia jumped up and ran forwards the crash. When he got there no one was around only China's now shattered plate. He cleaned up the glass shards and returned to china still on the couch.

"What happened?"China asked. "Oh one of your plates fell, I cleaned it up." He replied. China nodded and laid down on the couch. Russia laid down next to him and they continued to watch tv. It was kinda warm in the house so Russia began to take off his over coat and scarf. This was the first time he saw Russia without his scarf.

Well at least at his house and not in the world meeting room. He looked a lot more muscular without his coat. He looked... cuter. China began to have a pink blush. Russia noticed china's blush and blushed with a reddish color.

China buried his face in his chest and faced down wards to hide his face. Russia sat up making china sit up too. China's face was still pointed to the floor. Russia grabbed China's chin and held it up towards him. China's eyes widen as he meet the large Russian eye to eye. China's blush went from a light pink to a dark red. Russia's was a pink.

Russia gave him a smile and waited till China returned a smile. After China returned one Russia kissed him on the lips, it lasted only a second but to China it was unforgettable then Russia locked lips with him. China was surprised. Russia licked China's bottom lip for permission to explore his mouth. China accepted the request.

Russia stopped kissing China and pulled off both his and China's shirts. China's blush some how turned a darker color. Russia once again locked lips with China. Russia pushed China down on the couch to where he was laying down again. Russia got on top of the smaller country. "Well well well what do we have here?" Russia said with a smirk.

China looked away with a red face. Russia gave another smirk. Then the doorbell ranged. Russia's smirk went to a frown. Russia got up put his shirt back on and went to the door. when he opened the door it was England. " Hi England." Russia said as he step aside letting the English man in the house.

"Hi Russia just checking on you two while I'm around the block." He replied stepping in the house. He walked into the living room where China was buttoning up the last buttons on his shirt. "Hey how are you doing today?" he asked as he sat on the recliner. "I'm fine kinda tired though."

"Well is there anything I could get you?" their eyes meet. "Um no I don't think so because America stopped by not long ago and gave us a gift basket full of candy and some ice cream."

"That American... well i'll go and get you guys some fresh veggies and fruits as I can see you guys have more then enough candy." said the Brit standing up.

China nodded and thanked him for his kind offer. He left only to come back and drop off sweet and sour fruits with tasty veggies. The Brit stayed and helped cooked dinner and ate with them. He left later around 7pm. China and Russia was too tired to do anything else besides get ready for bed. China was in bed before the Russian. Once he laid down he wrapped his arms around China and they both fell asleep.


Russia woke up with the small Chinese man cuddled up to him. He kissed China's head and went down stairs to make breakfast. As he made the rice balls and noddles he felt something wrap around his waist. He looked down to see China's arm around his waist and his head resting on the side.

Russia began to blush. China let go, got cups out and made some tea. China loved the smell the tea made, he also loved Russia as well. His two favorite things with him made him happy. "How about we eat outside today?" China asked. "Da sounds very nice." Russia replied.

They head to the table out side and sat down and ate. They went back inside and cleaned up. They had to get ready to go to the meeting today. China was ready before Russia. when he got down stairs after getting ready Russia was still in his pjs. "Aru! Get ready we reave in 5." China stressed. Russia pull off his shirt and pants right there and walk to the laundry room.

Only in his underwear he got dressed. At this site China blushes a little but got over it and head out the door on time. It was pretty much the same thing. France and England get in a fight, America being loud, Germany yelling, Italy scared, you know the same old things.

"This is the same boring thing." China said to Russia. "Want to bale during brake?" he asked. China thought for a minute. "It would be better then just sitting here to the same thing." he replied. then out of no where Germany yelled into a mic getting everyone's attention. it was quiet Germany then said "I would like to say something." he said with a blush on his face.

He then walked over to Italy and neiled down on one knee. "Italy we have been going out for a while and I never been happier then when I'm with you. I know you were hurt in the past and now you don't have to be broken because I want to know..." he continued with a red blush now on his face. " If you will marry me!" he said pulling out a ring.

Italy had tears in his eyes "Si Germany Si!" he yelled as he leaped into Germany's arms, locking lips with each other.

"Honhonhon congratulations you two hope you have many happy years!" France yelled.

China said ''aww''when Italy said yes. Russia saw the light in China's eyes when the event happened. Russia began to think 'Aww China looks so cute with the little light that lite up in his eyes. This give me an idea, maybe I should tell the other me and him are going out.'

He started to smile. During the brake China and Russia went home. China got into a fresh pair of pjs and laid on the couch. While he was laying on the couch Russia went over to him picked him up and hugged him. China was so surprised that a bright blush ran a crossed his face.

Russia place him on the couch on his back. "now where were we at yesterday?" China's face was now red. Russia locked lips with him again. He backed away and they took off their shirts again. "Now let's try this without being interrupted by anyone." Russia said with a smirk.

A/N: ik ik best part so far please don't kill me mainly Fangirl_Takeover she knows where I live and we r good friends. so yea 175 view then I will post chapter7 and 8

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