Wedding bells soon to ring

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Russsia's Pov:

This is it. I stayed at America's place for the month and I can't wait to see Yao-Yao. I can't wait to be married to him forever. It's like a dream come true, da? I'm too excited to stay in one place for long. The wedding's not till noon but I can't help but be up hours before.

The sun hasn't even rising for this day yet. I can't wait to see Yao-Yao. The month has kill me, pretty much. Arthur has been over at Alfred's house everyday. Which only makes me want Yao in my arms more. That's ok, I'll have him in my arms soon.

Arthur stayed the night over and they are still asleep in Alfred's room. Hopefully today will be perfect. Da it will! We planned everything out so it was to be perfect. I think of all the people who are going to be there.

Of coarse everybody in the Allies, which means America, England, France, and Canada. Then others like Ukraine, Japan, Italy, Spain, Germany, Romano, Greece, even my little servants I use to have. They are coming. Everybody has a brings +3 . So a lot of people are coming.

Then there's Belarus. I love her but not in a boyfriend girlfriend way, in a brother sister way. She is my main concern today. What if she stops the wedding? I love Yao-Yao and I want to marry him not her. I sigh thinking about if she stops the wedding.

She won't will she? Het! She won't! What am I thinking about? Of coarse she won't. I toss and turn in the bed sheets of the guess room. I can't stand being in the room anymore so I get up and walk around the house for a bit. I see the clock and it's only six in the morning.

This is going to be a long, but happy day.

~~~timeskips to 10am brought to you by: pandas drinking vodka, yep one of those~~

"So dude you excited?" I hear Alfred ask. I nod my head. "Da I can't wait!" I really can't. Since I've been up I can't stop day-dreaming about Yao-Yao or about how the day will go. I space-out while talking to Alfred. I miss Yao-Yao so much. I wonder how he feels about today? "Yo dude!" I hear Al yell at me.

I get sucked out of my day-dreaming. "Da?" I ask. "Dude you were spacing out! What are you thing of?" He ask. I feel my cheek light up a bit. All I can think about is Yao and today. That's all! I don't even think about anything else. Not even about the past between us.

I'm just a love-struck puppy, da? "Just about today." I say calmly. "Dude you're such in love." I know I am. "Its 'you're in love' you twat." Arthur comes from around the corner, entering the kitchen. Alfred rolled his eyes. No matter how much Arthur tries he will never get Alfred to use proper grammar.

It's a fact. I just can't wait. "Well, Dude, just two more hours till you're a married man." Alfred said. "Da. kinda hard to believe." I say looking out the window. "What do you mean?" The small one asks. I give a sigh. "I've been alone for so long, no one to hold or to talk to really, then China turned out to love me. Now we are getting married. Da it is kinda hard to believe."

"But you are happy, right? I would if I was getting married to Arthur." I nod. "Da of coarse I am happy about this." I gave my usual smile.

China's POV:

I am excited to be married within the next few hours. I think back to all the times me and Russia were together. I smile at them all. Mainly the one where he dressed as a panda just to get closer to me. Silly aru. And the first time I visited his home-land. It was very cold but I survived. I always do, since I'm a country any effort to end my life is useless.

We just get back up after 'dying' and act like we were asleep the whole time. If not I would be dead long ago by the blade of Japan. But now we are good friends and brothers, so everything is fine. Plus no need to go into detail when today is a great day.

I was getting ready to leave our soon to be house. Brushing my hair and teeth, running around to get ready to see Ivan again. The month apart was hard for me. There was no warmth in the mornings that didn't belong to me, no little 'kol's around.

No scarf that seemed glued to a tall handsome Russian, no one to care for. And that hurts a little, because it reminded me of the times my siblings left me. I missed Russia a lot. But in just afew hours I'll see him again. Him in a suit and tie, along with me, Standing at the alter waiting for me to come to him.

Then ending the service with a kiss. I just can't wait, aru! Everything will be perfect. Plus it's going to be a great view. We merge our traditions together, so that means a single dove will fly away that is released by me and Russia, and we will sign a paper, say our vows.

We both even have men of honor for me it's Hong Kong for Russia it's Alfred, since he is the only other one is isn't as scared as the others. But for the wedding we are calling them 'witnesses' But it doesn't matter what we call them. We are celebrating for a day.

Where in Russia's culture a wedding can last a week. I can't handle dancing for more then a day. Anyways I'm running around getting ready, making sure my suit is ready. It's killing me not seeing my Russian in the mornings and nights. Today will be perfect.

I looked up on the internet about the weddings for Chinese and Russian and I am not lying, a Russian wedding can last up to a week. No joke. I am so serious right now. Well till next time my vodka drinking pandas

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