weddingbells ring & others don't agree

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(Long chap. sorry if it is too long)

China's POV:

I was walking into the building where the service was being held, only an hour left. I met up with Hong Kong. We went to one of the rooms in the building. I couldn't stay still. "China sit still, you're driving me up the wall." I looked over at Hong Kong. He is right I need to sit down.

"You're right aru, I just can't though, aru." I paced the room more. I mean not every country gets married really. We spend our days working. We try not to fall in love because it will only hurt us. But I am marrying Russia, another country. That's good because I won't get hurt.

And he won't get hurt either. I tried to calm myself down, like Hong Kong suggested. Not long after Tawian came in. "Hi Yao!" she came over and hugged me. I hugged her back. She always had the warmest hugs out of them all. "Wow, getting married, how does it feel?" she asked. "Amazing but yet scary." I reply. It really is.

She smiled as she talked with me. She had to go soon after though. I couldn't wait to see Ivan. I looked up at the clock and it seemed like time was frozen. It was only 11:30. I looked back and froth from the clock waiting impatiently for noon. I have my hair back like always.

I felt nervous, happy, lucky, shaky, and any other feeling that's happy-ish but nerve wrecking. When It was finally noon people started to arrive. I heard the frount doors open. The only thing now separating us is the walls.

Ivan is on the other side of the place, or in the main room. Hong Kong stayed with me the whole time, even though I told him to go out and have some fun before the service. I kept pacing the room as time went on and on and on. As time dragged on I calmed down a little.

Now it was 1 even though it felt like around 3 for me. Everyone headed to their seats. They closed the door, so I can stand there without everyone staring at me. Hong Kong slips into the room and stands by the podium. I wait outside the door waiting for the signal.

The music starts to play and the doors swing open. I walk in and all eyes are on me. I smile as I walk down the rows. At first thirty rows, then twenty, ten left, then none. I stood in front of Ivan. His smile as bright as I've ever seen it. I smile back at him.

The pastor starts the long but joyful speech to make us husbands. (Idk the speech) "Do you, Yao Wang, take Ivan Braginski to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The pastor speaks up. "I do." I say. "And do you, Ivan Braginski, take Yao Wang to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Da. I do." He smiles looking me in the eyes."If anyone refuses this marriage speak now or forever hold your peace." I focus on Ivan. "I DO!!" I hear two voices. The crowd gasps and I look over. It's Belarus and Korea. I feel tears in my eyes. "Brother don't marry this fool!" Belarus yells.

"China you can't marry this vodka loving drunk!" Korea screams. I fall to the ground crying. The perfect day ruin by our families. "Dudes NOT COOL!" Alfred yells at them "Look what you did! You can't let them go and be happy?" I just stay on the ground as if I was shot.

In a way I was. Ivan lifted my head up to look at him. "It's ok, please don't cry, da?" I couldn't help but cry. "Get away from him!" Korea yelled. I clinched my fist at his voice. "You guys are asshats, this was a post to be their happiest day and look, now Yao is broken. You should be ashamed of yourselves..." Arthur lectures them.

Everyone talks or yells at them. I couldn't handle being in the same room as them. I ran to the room I was in before. I plopped onto the couch that is in the room and sobbed. I heard yells from the other room. "YOU TWO SHOURD JUST RET GO!! THEY DON'T RIKE YOU ANYMORE THEN SIBRINGS!" It was my sweet little brother Japan yelling.

China x Russia HetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now