Chapter 2

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A month had pass since you walked in the rain and received the umbrella from the stranger. You still had that black umbrella in your dresser sitting there, waiting to be returned. You had continuously looked to try and find the stranger around the park but you were unsuccessful.

Today, you were about to start your new job as a maid and be introduced to the house. You followed the GPS on the phone with the address you were given and walked to the house. Even from five minutes away, you could tell the people you were to work for were super rich. The entire town was mansions and class. You had adjusted to your poor life too quickly so your surroundings felt unreal.

You soon arrived in front of the mansion and pressed the call button to be let in. Agter you had enter, you saw the two front doors open with a butler standing beside the entrance. You passed the giant, clear fountain and pass through the wooden double doors.

You looked in the house and your jaw wouldn't go back in place. The entire place was built by pristine white marble and there were several windows allowing the sunlight to enter and brighten the room. There were pillars along the sides where it led to more rooms and places. At the back of the entrance, there was a pearly white staircase that winded along the edge with maple brown banister that finished off the look. 

You looked up and saw a large crystal chandelier trickling down sparkling with the sunlight that passed through the crystals. A black yet grand piano stood in front of the staircase where the top was open and the seat looked worn. You assumed that someone played the piano in the household.

With your jaw still wide open, you felt a tap on your shoulder and looked to see another maid in a neat, black maid uniform.

"Are you perhaps Kang Nami by any chance?" the maid asked carefully. With a smile, you replied back, "Yes. I'm here for my tour of the house." "Yes. If you come with me, I'll be able to show you around," the maid replied and she led the way around the house, taking you to countless rooms. She told you about your job and what you would have to do everyday.

As you finished your tour, you were finally given your maid uniform and were about to leave when you saw a sleek, black double door to you left and realise you haven't been in there yet. "Um, excuse me? What's in there?" you asked the maid who had started to walk away. Turning around and returning back to you, she looked to where you pointing to and realised what you meant. 

"Oh! That's the master's room. He's the son of this household but you are never to go in there. He's been grounded for a year for I think escaping out the house. I think it's been a month since I had been in there. Only a select few are allowed in there to cleaned his room and deliver his food. He's not allowed out of his room!" she said warning you. You understood this was very serious and dared not to ever touch that door. You then headed home and slept early to start you new life as a maid tomorrow.

( A/N : Sorry it took so long to update the new chapter. It's just that it was really hard to find time to update because I've been quite busy the past few days. Don't forget to vote this chapter. So... enjoy~ ) 

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