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When eigth grade started, my parents sent me to another school. If I knew what would take place there - I would beg my parents not to send me. But , alas - I can't predict the future. So there was no way of knowing what they were going to do.

A couple things stayed the same when I went to that school though. I was still suicidal as fuck, I still threw away my and my parents money on drugs, I was still cutting myself.

Guess some things never change - huh?

Like the fact that I still had bullies. It didn't take long. Not long at all for them to find ways to get under my skin.

At the time , I believed that it was just going to be like my last school. Rude names, verbal insults, physical assaults. And for a while - it was.

I remember one day when they beat me really bad and I came home. I had a black eye, at least 10 bruises, a couple of cuts (from them and myself), and my cheek was scabbed from being pushed into the concrete floor.

I stepped through the door at 5:39 , over two hours late. When I opened it - my parents freaked out.

They were asking who did this to me - but I walked off and ignored them. I stomped up the steps and locked the bathroom door behind me.

Then it came.

The tears. They just kept flowing. They wouldn't stop. I zipped open my book bag and removed one of the blades from my pencil sharpener. I cut myself atleast 15 times. Although they weren't deep - they hurt like a motherfucker.

After cleaning up, I kinda just sat there. Wondering 'why me'? There were so many other kids out there - so why me? What did I do to deserve this?

After hearing my sobbing , Mayah knocked on the door. But I ignored her and yelled her off , telling her to leave me alone.

But unlike everyone else - she stood there. She stood in front of that door for three hours until I walked out.

But only a week later it happened.

My parents got a divorce. Because of me. My mom was talking to my dad late at night. She was talking about how they should've stopped with Mayah. They shouldn't have had me. I wasn't even supposed to exist. Mayah was planned. I wasn't. She was sobbing about how she brought a child into the world and it just does him dirty.

Basically - she was saying that I shouldn't have been born at all.

But, my dad, he told her that she was wrong. How even though I wasn't planned and even though people do me dirty - I was still their son. But mom didn't listen.

They argued for about twenty minutes until they suddenly went quiet. They had noticed me , standing in the door way.

I was on the verge of tears - but this time , I sucked it up.

Before anyone could say anything I was already running to my room. Apparently, Mayah had heard it too , and tried running after me.

But I locked myself in my room - like always.

Ever since the whole bathroom thing - whenever Mayah tried to confront me, I would lock myself in a room and just sit there 'till she left.

Eventually, she did.

After the divorce was completed , my mom got custody of us for the most time. But she changed after that. It started with her being the one coming home at crackhead hours. Then leaving alcohol all over the house.

I tried to get her to stop. Things were already slipping for me. But - she didn't listen. I was panicking. I couldn't lose my mom. I couldn't loose the mother I knew. Not to alcohol.

But - I did..

Emotionally, she was gone.

(part three of this will be chapter thirty something idk)

game-over // bnha x male reader  - (editing)Where stories live. Discover now