Rebel against Rebel

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"Um watch were your going" I said with a little rage "well stop being in Lala land and watch yourself" he said with a little rage himself. I stood up and gave him a death stare "ooo only if looks could kill" I walked away with pride not looking back. I CANT BELIEVE HE JUST SAID THAT! Ugh I remember about my anger and how outta control I get so I take deep breathes and go on with my life.

She bumps into me "watch where u going pay attention and stop being in lala land" I said with rage. I stand up and does she, she stared at me then walked away."ugh girls" I said with a sarcastic voice. I walk down the hall to my locker then one of my friends came up to me and started to talk but I kinda tuned him out because I turned looking around for that girl; "I could've at least got her name" I said with a sigh.


Is it down at lunch thinking and thinking then I look over to see..ugh..her. Now u may not no who her so ima tell who she is; her name is Brooke. Brooke and me never really like each other since camp. She walks over to me "hey briar long time no see" she says with a horrible smile "What do you want,rat" I said with a lil sarcasm and smiled " hmm quick with insults I see" she said with rage. "Yeah ik now bye before I get really angry" I said with rage, "sweetheart you wouldn't do anything to me.." as she talked and talk I think of all the horrible things I'd do to or will do to her; so then I get up and just punched her out of rage and anger. She got up and punched my stomach. I uppercutted her and she fell down on the ground; "wow that felt great" I thought to myself. I sure don't regret it either.

I go to lunch and sit on the bleachers while putting in my earphones. Then I see him..ugh.. Kuo my rival we've hated each other forever. And will never like each other but he walks over to me and slams his hand on my book. "Yo wtf" I screamed with anger, he looks with a sinister smile. "Yoo chill I see you still got anger issues zayn" he says then laughs. He talks and talks and all I think of is how he won't just leave me tf . I stand up and pushes him,he falls and just laughs "wow pathetic" he says with sarcasm; I get up and walk away with rage remembering how my anger can become out of control.


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