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I walk down the hall to my locker, I open my locker and puts my books and stuff in there then when I closed it i saw a someone standing there; I screamed and then gasped for air. "Why the hell is this person right here. He tells his name is Kuo but I kinda tuned him out for a sec when I saw Zayn standing there at the end of the hall. I turned around quickly and saw that kuo was trying to talk to me and I was stuttering and just said yes to whatever he said and went off looking for Zayn. When I found Zayn..UGHHH!!!...Brooke was talking to him and I could see her being all flirty with him and I turned around in anger.

I went to see if I could go and see Briar but when I went to see her that JERK kuo was talking o her already. I was so pissed I saw that she turned around and saw me but then she turned to kuo and I just stormed out of there. I went out to the football field and some girl came up to me saying that her name was Brooke. I thought she looked cool so we chatted for a while. In my mind I was thinking about briar though and why was kuo talking to her and I just wanna break every bone in his body. But I'm gonna stay calm.

They both went to their houses and and both had to let out their anger (oh u will not believe how dirty they made they room I don't even think it was a room anymore) after they was done being anger free they both thought and thought and thought. Briar broke down in tears (surprisingly) and Zayn wanted to be alone for the rest of the day (wow) but they both knew that one another liked each other but could never tell. The night ended in a great full moon and they both thankfully was able to sleep. But while they are sleep let's listen to some relaxing music (listen to video lol)

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