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I was crying while making my way to Dylan's house which was just a few blocks away - I bumped into my best friend carley.

"What's wrong?"

"My mum got a huge job offer- and she's taking it so I have to move house, and schools" rubbing my eyes and smudging my makeup, but I didn't care.

"where too I'm sure its not that far?"

"Sydney, Australia"

"what! why so far?"

"I dont know?, I have to go but ill call you later and tell you everything" then I carried on walking to Dylan's.

I finally got to Dylans house and knocked on the door.There was no answer... but his car was in the drive way so I knocked again...

Dylan finally came to the door in only his boxers.

"Whats up baby?"

I walked into his house and up the stairs; I was about to go in his room and explain everything.

"NO! dont go in there!"


"It dosen't matter why."

I didn't believe him - something was wrong, so I grabbed the handle.

"Dylan whats going on?"

I opened the door to find a girl standing at the side of his bed wearing Dylan's football jacket... Only his football jacket.

"I'm sorry Northe I just..."

"Save it, its over" I cried, ''You just made this break up easier. I'm moving away... I guess this is goodbye... Dickhead.'' I pulled off the necklace he bought me for my birthday and throwed it at his chest.

I left out of his front door slamming it behind me, the tears rolling down my face leaving streaks of mascara.

sorry it took so long for me to update had school and shizzz, so ye hope you're liking it so far vote comment and share thanksssss ♡

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