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I decided to skip the sorting because it's not too important , also sorry it's short                                            (At the Feast).                                                      "Wow  so much has changed since our first  year, Hermione." Hermione was thinking about Ginny and had no clue she was talking to her. So Ginny decided to trick her , Hey Harry how do you feel about me?" Hermione quickly got out of her day dream, " Excuse me ?" Hermione quickly said. "Hahaha! Your payback!" Ginny smirked. Harry said,  "my feelings about you are strongly ONLY friendly" ,  " It's okay Harry you didn't have to respond."                                                                      (After the feasting ).                                              The girls decided to go to bed and they thought  about Ron what was he going to do. He went to the attic and they didn't see him on the train.

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