Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

There he was, his effortlessly pushed back hair which perfectly framed his face. You could see each and every single of his toned muscles as he slid his white T-shirt on.

Jay Stevens, my neighbor. He's this town's biggest bad boy without a doubt, and every girl was head over heels for him - including myself.

His room was the one opposite mine, it wasn't the first time that I glanced at his room - hoping to get a glimpse of him.

"Bianca, are you awake yet?" My mum's annoying voice shouted. She wasn't the worst mother, but she was close. She's the reason why I'm this town's 'Little Miss Perfect'.

"Yes ma," I shouted back, getting off of the window. I moved towards my closet and saw the outfit my mum set out for me.

"You've got to be kidding me," I rolled my eyes as I caught sight of the outfit. A baby pink sweater with a white skater skirt, could she be any more basic?

My life, it was like Betty Cooper from Riverdale - at least the first season. I couldn't do anything about it, so I'd just shut up and do as I was told.

I put on the outfit, tucking in the sweater. I slid on my white tennis shoes and looked in the mirror, "I couldn't look any more perfect. What a joke!"

I shook the thoughts out of my head and moved towards my vanity. I pulled my hair into a low, sleek ponytail. My mum didn't like my hair high - she thought it was too tight, much like her.

I added a bit of mascara and a light layer of pink lipgloss, the only make-up I was allowed to wear. I looked at my hands, "Just two more years."

I picked up my flashcards and fit them into the side pouch of my backpack. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs into the kitchen.

"Good morning Mum, Roger," I said looking at my mum and my step-dad. Living in this house was worse than house arrest, it was like a robotic system - all too perfect.

"I'm going to drive you to school today. I want to see the state the school is in," My mum said, a stern look on her face.

"Why not?" I forced a smile as I set my backpack down. I glanced around the kitchen and inside the cupboards, "Where's my lunch?"

"I've been monitoring you. You could do with skipping a meal dear," She said. I raised an eyebrow, it was painful.

"I understand," I nodded.

Out of the blue we heard a motorcycle revving outside, Jay's. "What a troublesome kid! I heard that thing all too late last night. Maybe I should file a complaint," My mother debated.

"Maybe? But you always taught me to not get into other people's business ma," I told her. No, Jay didn't know who I was but that didn't mean I couldn't help him out.

"I will get involved when it's affecting me. Now go wait in the car," My mum said, looking me dead in the eyes. I took a breath and walked out of the kitchen.

I walked into the garage and got into mum's white Range Rover. I took out my phone and logged into Instagram, scrolling through my feed and tapping through stories.

Soon enough the car door opened and my mum came in, "Let's get going."

Mum turned off the radio, meaning some sort of discussion was about to take place. Everyday was a new level of crazy with her, I didn't know what to expect.

"I invited the Smith's over for dinner. I think their son will be great for you," My mum said, pulling out of our driveway.

"So you're playing Matchmaker?" I asked her furrowing my eyebrows, trying to understand what she was implying.

"I guess so, he seems rather interested. I feel like it will do you good to be with boys of intellect, not like the boys your age here. He's in a business," Mum explained.

If I wanted a boyfriend, I wouldn't get one. Who wants to be under all the pressure to be perfect all the time?

"Hold up. A business? He graduated?" I perked my eyebrows, slightly shocked.

"It's his family business. He still studies but under his father's wing. He's twenty-one," My mum told me. I internally rolled my eyes, confused with the situation at hand.

"Oh, wouldn't that be illegal? I'm not seventeen yet," I told her, trying to squeeze my way out of this Tinder situation.

"Well not unless it's consensual. You have my approval, and either way I know you won't be doing anything before marriage," My mum said, making a left turn.

"Anyways, I'll be home for dinner," I nodded, trying to make her content.

"You'll be home straight after school so you can doll yourself up and maybe study some easy business knowledge too," My mum instructed.

"I'll be there," I told her as we pulled up by the school. I couldn't get out of the car any quicker. I glanced around looking for Hannah, only to find Amy in front of me.

"Oh, your mummy still drives you to school? Do you want her to hold your hand too?" Amy taunted. Amy's hated me since the second grade and she's picked on me ever since.

"Beat it Amy. At least my mum cares about my well-being," I rolled my eyes, trying to find an easy comeback.

Before Amy or her clique could say anything, Jay and his friends came up to them. Jay wrapped himself around Amy, did I mention they're a thing?

"Oh by the way, do you need the number for the medical clinic? You know, to check on your anorexia," Laura commented. She was Amy's sidekick, amongst others.

Her comment was hurtful, I knew it was partially true. I was so skinny it was disgusting, I looked pathetic.

"Cat caught your tongue? What a joke!" Amy laughed before pushing me onto the ground. "Let's move babe," She told Jay as they walked away.

As I helped myself stand back up, I couldn't help but realize Jay looking back at me. I rolled my eyes, realizing how ahead of myself I was getting.

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