Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I walked into the hallways, dusting myself from the ground. I easily spotted Hannah at my locker, making my way towards her.

"Wednesdays are a bitch," I said slamming my hand on my locker door. Amy made my blood boil, she knew my weak links and she used them against me.

"Your mum's coming down on you again?" Hannah asked, eyeing me as my face flushed.

"Well, that's a start. She found me a boyfriend that's already graduated and works with his family," I rolled my eyes opening my locker.

"An older boy, how intriguing," Hannah smirked.

"Not when you get the 'No sex before marriage' conversation Han," I rolled my eyes, looking for my Macbeth.

"Come on, that can't be the only thing that has your underpants in a twist. What's up?" Hannah asked me as she closed her locker.

"Amy is such a bitch," I said trying to keep my eyes from watering.

"Don't let her get to you alright? She's just rotten and full of venom just like she's always been," Hannah said, rubbing my arm.

Ever since fourth grade, it was always her and I against the world. Hannah was adopted when she was five, she's actually Colombian, which gave her beautiful genes.

She has perfect tan skin and the prettiest of curls caressing down her back. She was one of the tallest girls in school, and not to mention her amazing voice.

The warning bell rang, Hannah and I decided to get to English Literature straight away taking our seats in the middle row.

I opened my book and started reading, Literature was always one of my favorite subjects. Out of the blue, Hannah tapped my thigh making me raise my eyes over my book.

I spotted Jay walking in, his leather jacket tightened around his biceps. I bit my bottom lip and continued to glance over the words in my book.

Soon enough Mr.Brookes came in and walked up to his desk, "Anybody know why Amy isn't here?"

"Maybe she's adjusting her ego? It's too big to fit in here," I mumbled beneath my breath - creating chuckles around the class, even from Mr.Brookes.

"Anyways, I have your test results. Some of you did extremely well and I'm very proud," Mr.Brookes said eyeing me. I couldn't help but blush at his gaze.

He handed out the tests, leaving me for last. He handed me my paper with a smile, "A word after class Bianca?"

"Of course," I smiled as I saw the 99% on my assignment. I felt rather proud, I knew mum would be pleased with my almost perfect score.

The lesson was one like any other, we were discussing one of the many themes in the play. I heard Hannah mumble from beneath her breath, "Jay's totally checking you out."

I glanced over at him and noticed his eyes were set on me. They didn't look dark and brooding, they looked soft and troubled. I didn't think too much of it and looked away.

"He won't even check me out at my funeral, none the less will he check me out now," I rolled my eyes as I turned the page over.

The lesson passed by pretty easily, "I'll meet you in Math, Mr.Brookes wants to talk."

"Just your luck, huh? The hot teacher wants to talk to you," Hannah shook her head with a wide grin spread across her face.

"Yes, the hot teacher. I don't think an expulsion is what my mum has in mind for me," I told her rolling my eyes.

"Whatever, see you in Math," She chuckled as she grabbed her backpack and walked out. I grabbed my phone, book and backpack and walked towards his desk.

"You wanted to talk, Mr.Brookes?" I gave him a soft smile. No wonder they called him the hot teacher, his jawline could cut steel and his eyes pierced into your soul.

"Yes, Bianca. You are the best student in my class, your grades are through the roof," Mr.Brookes smiled at me.

"Thank you sir. I try my hardest," I added, feeling rather flattered.

"I was wondering if you could do me a favor?" Mr.Brookes asked. At first I furrowed my eyebrows, surprised by his proposal.

"Let me elaborate. I have a few struggling students and I was wondering if you could tutor one for me?" He added, allowing me to sigh of relief.

"Umm.. I guess so. Assuming it will look good on mu college application," I shrugged, sending him another smile.

"You want to go to NYU, is that right?" He asked and I nodded. He continued, "My brother's a professor there and I can assure you he'll put in a good word."

My eyes lit up with joy, "Thank you so much Mr.Brookes. I won't let you down."

"I have no doubt you won't. I'll have a talk with Principal Charles and I'll come find you, how does that sound?" Mr.Brookes smiled.

"Perfect. I have to get going, wouldn't want to get to class late," I chuckled, getting a tighter grip on my book.

"Of course not. Have a beautiful day, Ms. Hart!" He sent me another soft smile. If I were a bit older I'd be completely smitten over him.

Tutoring huh? Maybe this will give me some more time away from home, thank God!

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