Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The day passed by pretty quick and unfortunately, it was time to go home. "Call me later?" Hannah asked me.

"I don't know. Maybe? It depends on what goes down tonight," I shrugged, not in the mood for socializing.

"Please! At least tell me if the boy's cute or not!" She said pouting at me. I chuckled, "Fine! But that's it."

I grabbed my phone and headphones from my backpack, logging into Spotify and finding one of my favorite playlists.

Before I put my headphones on I couldn't help but hear a familiar revving noise, Jay's motorcycle. I smirked at the idea but quickly tucked it away at the back of my mind.

I began walking as Shawn Mendes began to play through my headphones. Before I could take a step, I felt a slight drizzle.

I attempted to speed up my pace but it was useless, the rain was getting heavier and heavier. To my surprise, a black Mercedes stopped near me.

I couldn't help but glance inside; Luke Reynolds. He was our Star Athlete and one of the best academics in the school. He had the 'Jock' title, but he never wore it out.

"Do you need a ride? You're going to get soaked," He told me. His voice was softer than I presumed, he was gentle.

I hesitated, not knowing wether to take him up on his offer. Before I had a second to think about what I was going to do, a flash of lightning struck and I moved myself into the car.

"Thank you so much! I owe you one," I said smiling. I sat on the passenger seat with my backpack on my lap, tucking my headphones away. 

"Oh come on! I live a couple of blocks down from you. You know I can always take you home Bianca," He chuckled as he made his way into the street again.

I perked an eyebrow. He knew my name? Huh, never thought my name surfaced anywhere with these students.

"Thanks Luke," I said, sending him a soft yet crooked smile.

"What were you listening to?" He smiled as he grabbed my phone. I tried to hold it back, "It's nothing."

"Shawn Mendes, huh? Nothing like a teenage heartthrob to uplift your mood," He teased as he connected my phone to his speakers.

I couldn't help but chuckle, allowing my cheeks to tint in the lightest shade of pink. I looked up at him,  his brown, curly hair and his adorable brown eyes.

"How's football going this season?" I asked, looking for some sort of conversation-starter.

"Pretty good, actually. We're ahead in the league so all is well so far," He smiled as his hands tapped the steering wheel, "You should come to a game sometime."

I couldn't help but feel a slight pink taint my cheeks, he wanted me to watch him play?

"I don't know. I've never really been to a football game," I said, softening my eyes. I didn't really know what to say, my mum always thought it was too rough for me.

"Let me be your first, huh?" He perked an eyebrow, laughing at how misleading the sentence sounded.

"Would your girlfriend be cool with that though?" I asked, rubbing my lips together. His girlfriend was one of Amy's best friends and the last thing I needed was more bad blood with them.

"Ex-girlfriend," He said with his eyes on the road, pulling over in front of my house.

"Oh," I said as I looked out the window. "You know, just tell me when it is and I'll be there, okay?"

"Thank you, Bianca. Talk soon, yeah?" He smiled as his whiskey brown eyes locked in with mine.

I looked up at him and I couldn't help the smile growing on my face, "Thank you for the ride. I owe you one."

He sent me a soft smile as I got out of the car, cautiously closing the car door. I sent him one last look before turning around and walking onto my porch.

I grabbed my keys and opened the door, spotting my mother staring at the door as I walked in.

"Catching rides with random people now? I raised you better than this!" She snapped at me, barely giving me a second to close the door.

"It was Luke, Mum. Ana's son, one of the smartest kids in school. What was I supposed to do, swim it back home?" I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

"You watch your mouth, young lady. Get into your room and you best be on your best behavior tonight, or we'll be having a problem."

I didn't bother saying anything and I marched up to my room. I slammed my door shut, trying to hold in the tears.

I walked towards my window and took off my all too perfect sweater. 'Why was I such a joke?' I mumbled as tears started rolling down my awfully pale cheeks.

I rubbed my eyes and my vision became clear, only for me to see Jay staring at me, in my bra, through his window. I felt terribly insecure and pulled shut my curtains, searching for something to wear.

I found dad's 'The Beatles' T-Shirt. 'If only you were still here,' I sniffled as I threw the T-Shirt on. It was the most normal thing I owned, everything else was just prim and proper.

I grabbed my phone off of the window to for once find a text from someone other than Hanna.

Let me take you to school tomorrow? x

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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