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My eyes darted around nervously, from the bear traps to the bare mattress to the short teen.

"Soror, are you alright?" he asked, concern written all over his face.
"Yeah Frater, j-just a dark and demented dream." Since when do I speak Latin? A dead language? Wait...

I'm in Cruella's wardrobe, and Carlos is sat next to me. Which means I'm on the Isle of the Lost. That explains a lot. Not everything, but a lot.

"Come on Soror, we've got a few hours until Cruella wakes up, meaning we have time to go to the tree house," Carlos said and we quietly left.

On the way to the kitchen door, we passed an antique mirror, and I saw my Isle self for the first time. My hair was white with red and black streaks, I was wearing a red corset with black lace sleeves, my trousers were black with white bones on them and I had black and white boots that go halfway up my calf. Ugh, I loved my Isle look. Maybe except for the dog collar around my neck.

Our tree house was quite big, allowing space for a bookshelf made of crates, a work bench (also made from crates), a battered old sewing machine and homework for Dragon Hall. I grabbed my bag, a red shoulder bag with a crescent moon, and looked through it. A fountain pen with black ink cartridges, a sewing kit, a few notebooks and Isle of the Lost by Melissa De La Cruz. I wondered if Fae had a copy. If she were on the Isle at all.

Carlos was over at the work bench fiddling with an old battery and other technology that had been dumped on the Isle. I couldn't exactly tell what they were as Carlos had taken them apart.
"What'ya inventing this time?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

"A machine to blow a hole in the barrier," he answered. "So we can get some decent shows on TV for once."
I sighed. "You want to blow a hole in the barrier and all you can think about is TV? You'd be freeing us from the Isle! And not just VKs, either, but also Villains."
He raised an eyebrow.
"If Villains get out and take over Auradon, it'd turn into a larger version of the Isle, except with better food and WiFi," I explained.
"Worth the risk," Carlos shrugged. I rolled my eyes and picked up a book to read.

After five chapters an alarm clock went off, which Carlos turned off and we left the tree house with our schoolbags. We were nearly out the front door when a gloved hand pulled me into the study.
"Keep an eye on that disappointment of a brother of yours. All he does is tinker with those ridiculous inventions of his, he'll never amount to anything," Cruella demanded.
"He's on his way to becoming an amazing, successful Mad Scientist. Just because his evil differs from yours doesn't mean he's a disappointment!" I countered loudly and before Cruella could do anything, we ran off in the direction of Dragon Hall.

A tale of Two VKsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя