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The next morning, I was woken up by someone shaking my shoulder. I jerked awake, and my breath quickened. Had I fallen asleep during class? During CHORES?!

"Coralynne! It's okay, you're at Hell Hall," said a familiar voice. It turned out to be Fae, clothes rustled and face pale.
"That ain't much better," I grumbled. "You alright after last night?"
Fae groaned, shaking her head. "Nah. I got a headache and I think I'm going t-" and she ran for the sink in the kitchen.

I sighed. Last night repeated itself in my mind. Ugh, I was a terrible friend! Getting caught up in a guy, leaving Fae vulnerable to bad decisions! She was thirteen for Devil's sake! The thought of what could've happened to her terrified me.

At that moment, Carlos walked in, bowl of mouldy porridge in hand. As he saw the mess of the ballroom, a pained look crawled onto his face and faint panic glimmered in his eyes. "We're dead," he muttered. "You might as well dig a hole for us because we're dead."

"Not quite," I snorted. "We just need superspeed. Or magic."
"Neither of which we have," he pointed out.

The place was as if a bomb had exploded: the rope swing had broken and was drifting in the breeze; streamers and food and hung over guests littered the floor; I didn't even want to know what was on the walls. Evidently Dragon Hall was either empty or in a zombified state. I didn't know which would be worse.

Suddenly, a lightbulb pinged on in my head. It wasn't a good idea, in fact it was a rather wicked idea, but it was the best I had in a groggy morning state. Didn't Jasper and Horace have kids? Ones Cruella designated as our henchmen? And what was the job of a henchman?

Clack. We looked over to see Harry and Jace (or Jace and Harry, I couldn't tell the difference) attempting and failing miserably to sneak out without being noticed.
"Hey!" I called loudly. The shorter of the two dropped his crowbar on his foot with a loud clatter and they turned around slowly.
"Wha'?" the other said with heavy annoyance.

"You didn't think you were leaving the place like this, did you?" I folded my arms. I knew what I was doing, it was completely wrong to treat them like this, they were people. But... it was the Isle, Bad was Good, and people would be suspicious if I treated people as I would normally. And Carlos and I couldn't clean the place by ourselves.

The two boys shrugged. "Yeah? Tidyin' 's borin'. We go' be'er things ter do."
"Yeah, li'e talkin' ter Le Foux Deux... he's cool." and better than you, I could almost hear him add on at the end.

It frustrated me. Everything. Mal's sick joke, forcing us to throw the party. Cruella, ruining Carlos's life since the second he was born. Those gits at Dragon Hall who picked on him. Perhaps even king Beast for making the worst decision in the universe, putting all the Villains in one spot together and not checking anything. And now the only people Carlos counted as friends bailed out when they knew our consequential punishment. It built up inside, tensing my muscles and gritting my teeth.

"YOU TWO WILL CLEAN THIS PLACE OR SO HELP ME I'LL TELL YOUR PARENTS YOU'RE DATING!" I burst, the sound echoing everywhere and causing dust to fall from the ceiling. Some might've settled in my hair, but I honestly didn't care at the moment.

Their eyes widened in shock.
"Y-yes, Miss De Vil, ma'am," the shorter one stammered and the two rushed towards the cleaning cupboard.

I was stunned. Cruella's dialogue from the movie chased around in my head. The only time I had heard anyone be so formal with her was when she threatened them with a skinning. And now they saw me in the same light...

Attempting to remain the appearance of fury, I stormed towards the kitchen, slamming the door and further cracking the already-fixed-with-ducktape window. I crouched down in the far corner, curling up into a ball, wishing that the floor would open up and eat me whole.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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