A Real Howler

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It was quite easy to get people coming. By lunch, roughly half of the school knew about the party. Because we told big gangs, and they told their minions, and they told their allies. And... Well, we didn't as much give out invites as deliver threats. Further into the day, the threats got bigger and less believable, though many did believe them, as Mal was sort of mentioned.

"That wasn't so hard," I smirked.
"Yeah, maybe we should do this party planning more often," agreed Carlos, and we left for Hell Hall actually having learned something.

That rare happiness was vanquished several hours later, when we started decorating the entrance hall. Harry and Jace, sons of Horace and Jasper, were attempting to put up red, black and white streamers whilst Carlos and I inflated balloons of the same colour scheme.
"What do you want me to do?"

Fae was stood at the entrance.
"Uh, you could sort out those two imbeciles with the streamers," I suggested.
"Sure," Fae replied. "What're we doing for music? I mean, Freddie can hold a tune, but she's having to work at dad's shop."
"Diego's band will swing by. They're always happy to get a gig," answered Carlos.

An hour and a half later, we had managed to pull together a photo booth, a chandelier rope swing, and even a getaway route to ditch the party for when it gets out of hand. And, being a party involving VKs and alcohol, it was bound to. Jay had arrived earlier with snacks and drinks, subtly flirting with Carlos and stealing things from Fae and myself.

As the clock struck midnight, our - er, Mal's guests began to arrive by the baker's dozens. Among the first were the Gaston twins, Jr and The Third, who were quick and strong enough to get past the others.

After the twins, a whole ship full of Harriet's Crew - including CJ - came marauding in through the door. I busied myself with nibbling a soggy oatmeal cookie as the pirates and the Gastons chased around the next band of guests.

This happened to be the many daughters of Anastasia and Drusilla Tremaine, who had attempted to improve their dresses by attaching vast amounts of ribbon. "Sto-o-o-op it," they complained half-heartedly. Their attitude was simply so annoying I nearly gagged.

Anthony Tremaine, a tall boy with dark amber hair and cinnamon eyes followed them in, rolling his eyes at them. He held himself with a lot more dignity and his clothes, despite being as threadbare as everyone else's, seemed to be tailored to him perfectly. The room suddenly felt warmer.

The party had officially started for about an hour before another knock at the door was heard. The purple-clad malicious fairy was stood in the doorway. The air was thick with deafening silence. Any enjoyment stilled in fear.

"Toad's blood shots!" she called, and tension fell into a wave of relief. The alcohol was passed around the room swiftly, and soon most had taken a few shots.

Carlos and I stood in the corner, a little apart from everyone else. My nerves started to play up as the smells in the room got stronger. I wanted to run to our closet of a bedroom and hide until everyone was gone, but I knew I couldn't.

Music being played by Diego's band slipped into a slow and mournful song.

I heard the angels call again
I threw myself a party
Shardinay and oxy

A recognisable face drifted towards us, his dark eyes fixed on me. Unlike others, he smelled reasonably sober.
"Dance?" he asked, offering a hand. My heart thudded against my chest and I scratched the back of my neck nervously.

"Why would you want to? Well, I mean, I'm... I don't dance," I stammered, probably looking like a fool.
He smirked. "Well, everyone wants to dance with a Lord and to simply put it, you're a Lady."
"Yes, I'm female. So are roughly half the people here."
"That's not what I meant."

A tale of Two VKsWhere stories live. Discover now