6. Together ?

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Rich didn't come home ever sense the night he left to the Strip Club. I basically been here cleaning up and taking care of Asia and our new puppy.

I don't give a fuck what Rich gotta say about us having a dog, we got it, and we keeping it.

I laid down on the couch as Chico jumped on me, and laid on my lap while i catch up on some shows. I hear the door open to behind me, and it was Rich. I laid on the couch sipping my wine out of my wine glass, while I watched TV.

"Who told you to get that dog?" Rich asked, as he walked in the kitchen to get something to drink. I just laid their and ignored him. I'm not putting up with him tonight.

"Yo, i know you fucking heard me" he said raising his voice at me. I honestly just ignored him. He doesn't come home for 3 days and acts like everything is cool. Man fuck that.

"Where have you been Rich" i said sipping my wine and rubbing my dog while watching tv.

"At the trap handling business like a man, is suppose to do, where else would tf i be at?" he said smacking his lips sitting down on the couch next to me.

I got up and stand in front of him and slapped the shit out of him. "Yo, i'm tired of you thinking that you can tell me what tf to do! You are suppose to love me, and protect me and Asia. But you out here slanging dick from bitch, to bitch." i yelled as tears ran down my face.

"You have treated me and Asia like shit. You act like you don't give a fuck about us. And plus you won't let me leave the house when i want to! I have to ask you if i can leave Rich! I came over here to get away from all of the negative energy. Not to be treated like a piece of shit." i cried out

I really had to sit back and think about what Wyomi said. I love Wyomi to death, it's just that trap niggas can't show to much love into a girl. But Wyomi is different . I gotta open up to her and treat her like a queen.

"I'm truly sorry Wyomi" i said as i stood up to wrap my arms around her, and feel her tears run down my arm.

"Wyomi, Im going change, I swear i am. I wanna make you mine, and treat you how a queen is suppose to be treated. I wanna take you out and make you laugh and be happy. I wanna show you around the world. We can go anywhere you wanna go, It's up to you. I don't wanna see you sad, and crying. I wanna see you smile and laugh. Imma really show you." i said as i hugged Wyomi so tight like it's our last hug.

"Why didn't you do that before Rich?" i say sniffing and wiping my tears

"I didn't fully know, if i was really in love with you, i kept telling myself that i was going be with you & give you the world, but i let my Trap get to me." i say as i wiped her face softly

"Just please don't hurt me again Rich." she said sniffing her nose.

"I promise i won't." i said as i kissed her forehead to see her smile.

I really hope Rich keeps his word. I honestly don't wanna be hurt again. I really do have feelings for this man. I can't picture me not being around him, and for him not see Ocean or Asia grow up.

"mommy.." i heard Asia say i turn my head to look at her, she had her thumb in her mouth standing by the stairs holding her doll.

"Yes babygirl?" i say

"Can i sleep with you and daddy?" Asia says in her babyish voice.

"yes, baby you can" i said. I walked over to pick Asia up and have her on my hip.

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