hitch hiker tingz lol

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        We were about 10 minutes on the highway when we got picked up by a semi-truck. He let us sit in the back since we were going to the exact same location, Las Angelas. I noticed my phone was on 60% and asked everybody "Yall see an outlet?"while I pulled out my charger. Julien looked at me and replied, "Bitch we in a fucking semi-truck, how would there be an outlet? Smh stupid". Vonte looked at Julien with a dead face, "What'd you say to her? Talk to her like that again, I fucking dare you." I looked at him and then looked down at my phone and texted Isrâa:


Girl they fightin' over meee😭

                                                             Floppy ((Isrâa)):
                                     Im tellin you Vonte likes you😗

Lightskin babies🤣


         Vonte and Julien's argument has gotten worse by now and its scaring me. I know Vonte is violent, since he is always getting into fights, but I never considered Julien as the violent kind.  "Well maybe she shouldnt have been such a stupid bitch and I wouldnt have offended her!" Julien said. That was his last sentence before Vonte punched the shit out of him. Next thing I knew, Vonte was on top of Julien and throwing hands after hands. The semi driver pulled over, opened the back of the truck, and threw us out. "You guys can walk the rest of the way, stupid millennials" he stated. "Rude behind self" Isrâa said.
We started walking and after a couple minutes Vonte was carrying me on his back, and Julien was doing the same to Isrâa. My phone was at 50% by now and I knew I needed to charge it because IPhones die faster then Mufasa does in the Lion King. I checked the time and it was 4:00. I needed food so I took out a bag of Takis we had bought earlier at the 7-11 and started sharing them with everyone. We sat down under an over-pass and just ate and talked. Vonte and Julien apologized but Julien didn't accept the apology really since his face was blue. We started walking after 20 minutes and started found a Motel 6 after a half a mile.
We spent the rest of our money on a motel room and we knew we needed more. I got out my bag of weed and walked outside. Luckily for me, I saw a drug addict on the corner smoking a cigarette and she offered me $75 for the bag (plot twist it was Demi🤠).
I walked into the motel room just to find Vonte on the musty couch watching tv, Julien passed out in a chair, and Isrâa asleep on one of the beds. Vonte signals me to sit next to him and then puts his arm around me. My heart fucking JUMPED on god. I told him that I got money and he blushed. Next thing I knew this mofo was spilling his heart out to me. "Brea I've always liked you to be honest. Like you fr cute and I just had to tell you" he said. "Um.. are you high?" I said because bitch I was shook at these words. "Would a high person do this?" he asked as he started kissing MY FUCKING NECK. He was like becoming a full ass vampire I tell you, but I liked it. I was trying to hold my breathing but then, of course with the freak he is, he sticks his hand in my pants and works some magic. "Let's go to the bathroom baby" he whispers in my ear. "No no, what if we wake everyone up" I asked him. "That won't happen I promise." So I followed him to the bathroom and right when we got the door shut he popped his mouth on my fucking titty.

" So I followed him to the bathroom and right when we got the door shut he popped his mouth on my fucking titty

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My virgin ass didn't know what I was doing so I just followed along with what he did. Next thing I knew I was being dicked down in a motel 6 bathroom by my childhood friend. That's how I lost my virginity😎. I walked out with wobbly legs since the head I just received was amazing lol. I lied in the bed next to Vonte and fell asleep. "Hoodnight" he whispered in my ear.

pew pew bitch😗Where stories live. Discover now