Death Dealer

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Seven months later...

"We're running out of time, move your asses!" The sound of my voice was not like before. It had gone dark, rigid, cold. This damned war was taking it's toll on all of us, and we were beat to hell. We pressed on though, in hopes that someday we may prevail. Battles raged on all around me. The deaths of my comrades and enemies were indechipherable, all blurring into one big mess. I tried my best to wipe away the vision of Christian's death, but it still followed me to this day. Thinking back, i couldn't help but still feel partially to blame for it. Atleast he went out painlessly, a gift not many of us would get the chance to experience. I flanked left, Christy following shortly behind. Jack and Kelly across the way. On the buildings overhead, a dark figure traveled swiftly along, covering us from above: Kano. My mind flashed back to the day I'd met this group. I hadn't realized it then, but they'd soon become the closest thing to a family I'd ever have. Well, for the most part. Out small squads fought their way along the battlefield, a once busy street in the city I had called home. Steel clashed all around me, my movements being controlled purely by instinct to survive. Our objective finally came into sight: a large skyscraper husing a large shield generation device blocking our forces from entering the city. If we could destroy it, we could have a chance at victory. Just before entering the building, I turned back towards my group. "Race you all to the top!" Then I took off running.

Death DealerWhere stories live. Discover now