chapter II

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While standing at the bus stop I hear a familiar voice behind me, I quickly rip my ear bud out of my left ear and turn around to see.

It was Issac, he was walking to the bus stop with my cousin.

I wanted to say hi but my cousin was blabbering about shit, and I didn't want to interrupt them.

We stood there for 10 more minutes before the bus finally arrived.

For a second I thought Issac was going to leave, but as soon as I sit down I relized he had sat next to me.

"Whatcha listening to, can I listen with you" he asked with a curious tone

Alittle annoyed I pass him one of my ear buds and look out the window.

"You like whitney houston" he said while giggling. His smile warmed my heart.

"Why is there something wrong with it, if you want I can change the music" I replied a bit worried that be was gonna make fun of me for my taste in music.

"No, I like her don't worry. I just never thought you would to this kind of music. Judging your personality I thought you would listen to rap or rock." He said.

He went on about different types of music, which was really boring but he really knows a lot about music.

"Well this is my stop" I interrupt  while crawling over him.

While my cousin unlocked the house door I turn to see Issac wave at me.

I remembered that my aunt was at work and my cousin lives in the basement, so I could go upstairs and practice singing on my aunties grand piano.

My aunt was a singer when she was younger, but she had to quit to raise me, I always felt bad because I ruined her career.

By the time my aunt got home I was gonna head out for a jog, then go to a friends place.

"Hey kiddo there is someone waiting outside for you" my aunt said while struggling to keep her daughter in her arms.

I quickly tie my hair in a messy bun and run downstairs.

I opened the door to see Issac sitting on the steps.

"Ehem can I help you." I say while leaning on the door frame.

"I got lonely, so I navigated the neighborhood till I found your house. Is it ok if I hang out" he says looking at the ground.

"Yeah.... sure come in" I reply moving out of the way letting him in.

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