Owl Post

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Hermione Granger was a rather special girl.

She sat in her bed, biting the tip of her quill anxiously.

She was finishing the last of her summer homework and was stuck on a question. Maybe she could look up the answer in one of her books, or perhaps she was simply over-thinking it. Hermione hated being a perfectionist, but that was kind of who she was - Hermione Granger the perfectionist. The special thing about Hermione Granger was that she was a witch.

Hermione Granger was Muggle-born witch, fresh from her first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Hermione had just found out last year she was a witch and was counting up to the days of that anniversary. It was more or less the best day of her life, if you didn't count the last day of school, when she and her best friends helped their House at the school win the House Cup.

The whole rest of her family were Muggles, or non-magical people.

Hermione was an extrodinary and odd girl but they couldn't be happier to have a witch in the family.

Hermione decided to put up her her homework and go downstairs.

Her mother was home but her father was working overtime. Both her parents were successful dentists.

Mrs. Jean Granger was in the kitchen as usual, just sitting and listening to the radio.

"Oh, Hermione, it seems you've left your note on the table, from your friend," she said as she noticed her daughter. 

Hermione looked down at the table. She had indeed left her letter on the table.One of her best friends, Ron Weasley had written to her and she hadn't had the chance to write him back yet. Now that she wasn't quite as busy she found it a good time.

She looked at the untidy writting of Ron.

She pictured him just the same as he had been the last time she saw him.

Ron Weasley, with flaming red hair, a long nose, and rather tall for his age too.

    Dear Hermione,

I still haven't gotten any word from Harry.

I still just can't bring myself to think that he'd purposely not answer 

us. He couldn't be angry at the both of us for no reason. That'd just be 

ridiculous and Harry wouldn't do something like that, don't you think?

I've been thinking that maybe it's those horrible Muggles he lives with.

They don't like anything having to do with magic, especially not

kids from his all magical school. I'm thinking up ways to bust him out of there.

I've asked him to come over at least twelve times now! I think I've

got the perfect way to get him out but its far-fetched.

Fred and George want to help. I had to tell them about it once

they figured out what I was doing. Don't try to talk me out of it. I know

it worries you too. He hasn't answered your letters either and you

know how to use Muggle post. That hasn't worked either so I 

need a plan because we both know very well that you're not

going to do anything about it, no offense. I know you care about

Harry and you're worried too. So that's why I've got to get him out of there.

Write back soon.


Hermione sighed. 

Now she remembered it all. When she had first gotten this letter she was rather upset by it and was going to write Ron back immediately to tell him not to do anything stupid if he was actually going to get Harry from the Dursleys, but then she got off track and realized she had to finish her homework.

School was starting back up again soon and she hadn't spoken to Harry.

She had tried numerous times, like Ron, to get in touch with him and even invite him over and been unsuccessful in all tries.

Hermione scrambled through the room to find a piece of paper and then began to write.

  Dear Ron, and Harry if you're there,

I hope everything went all right and that Harry is okay and

that you didn't do anything illegal to get him out, Ron, because that

would get Harry into trouble, too. I've been really worried and if Harry 

is alright, will you let me know at once, but perhaps it would be better if

you used a different owl, because I think another delivery might finish 

your one off.

    I'm busy with schoolwork, of course and we're going to London next

Wednesday to buy my new books. Why don't we meet in Diagon Alley?

    Let me know what's happening as soon as you can. 

                               Love from,


Hermione let go of her quill. She had to remember where she kept Ron's owl, Errol. He had fainted just after delivering the letter, but he seemed rather pleased with himself for finding Hermione. She now remembered what she did.

She had improvised and used a hamster cage for it to rest in.

She rushed upstairs and tied the letter to its leg while stroking it softly.

"I'm so sorry, but I'm sure you'll make it."

As she watched Errol struggle to fly away all she could think of was Harry.

Harry with his brilliant green eyes, his messy jet-black hair, and his lightning bolt scar. . . .

Harry's scar was one of the most interesting and tragic things about him. It was given to him by the most powerful Dark wizard ever: Lord Voldemort.

When Harry was only one year old the Dark Lord went after the Potters, content to kill them. He successfully killed Harry's parents, leaving Harry only three relatives, but when he tried to kill Harry his spell rebounded upon its originator and left him barely alive, but last year Harry faced him again.

Ron and Hermione helped him to get there, but it was only Harry who saved the Sorcerer's Stone, only Harry who stopped the Dark Lord, only Harry who faced him. . . .

But Hermione had no idea what had happened to Harry after he left Hogwarts for the summer.

She just hoped that Ron had safely gotten him.

Hermione Granger and the Chamber of SecretsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora