Hermione's First Crush

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Hermione and her parents had stopped at the bank to pick up the necessary money they needed in order to exchange their Muggle money into Galleons..

"All right, then, ready to go, aren't we?" Mr. Granger asked.

Hermione had been wanting to tell her parents what she had found out about Ms. Lauren, but it was hard to even think that way. Almost thirteen years Hermione had known Ms. Lauren, knowing just how old she was and how she always got sick so easily yet Hermione had never considered the prospect of her. . . dying.

The word wasn't a good one if you asked Hermione.

Maybe Ms. Lauren had that will before she even knew she was ill. It's no secret she's old, older than Professor McGonagall in fact. Perhaps she was just keeping it in case she just couldn't wake up one morning. Professor Dumbledore is over one hundred years old and he's still healthy and going strong.

But Hermione knew this was very far off, considering that Dumbledore was a very skilled wizard who, if he had gotten Cancer, would have been able to cure it in an instant.

Hermione sighed to herself.

"Honey, what's wrong?" asked Mrs. Granger. "You've been wanting to go to Diagon Alley all week and now we're going. I thought you'd be happy."

Now the moment to either tell her parents or lie to them.

Hermione knew what would be the better choice. If she couldn't tell Ms. Lauren maybe she could tell her parents. But that was a big "maybe".

"It's nothing, just. . . girl cramps. . . ."

"Well -" began Mrs. Granger.

"Honey, no need to go into detail," Mr. Granger said nervously.

.     .    .

As they entered the Leaky Cauldron the bartender at the front flashed them a smile, telling them he recognized them.

"Welcome," the bartender said and pointed to the brick wall.

They smiled back and nodded to tell the bartender they understood.

Mr. Granger and Hermione stepped backwards to allow Mrs. Granger to tap the right brick.

"It's been a while since I've done this, but - got it! Everyone come through!"

Hermione jumped right through, but her parents were hesitant. Hermione knew it was because when Hermione saw a whole block of wizard shops they saw only a brick wall and were self-conscious about stepping straight through it.

When they entered Hermione beamed at the familiar area.

Witches and wizards buzzing around the place with joy, with such happiness Hermione just couldn't have in the Muggle world.

"We've got to exchange our money," her father said.

They walked down to the front steps and Hermione stopped to once again read the sign on the bank's doors.

"'Enter stranger but take heed,'Hermione repeated.

Then she saw a glorious sight.

Out in the middle of the crowd of wizards! Ron had gotten her letter because Harry stood in the crowd, unmistakable and beside a huge, wild haired man - Hagrid, Hermione thought.

"Harry! Harry! Over here!"

Harry turned around and Hermione ran down to him and Hagrid happily. She was so glad he was safe.

"What happened to your glasses?" she asked, staring at the bridge of his glasses, where there was a pathetic crack. "Hello, Hagrid - Oh, it's wonderful to see you two again - Are you coming into Gringotts, Harry?"

Hermione Granger and the Chamber of SecretsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora