The Feast, the Sorting, and the Rumors

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Ginny was ushered away by Hagrid to the boats and Hermione instinctively followed the large crowd wearing Harry Potter Awareness badges up to a lot of carriages. As she watched others climb into the carriages she was astonished to see them trot off towards the castle all by themselves.

"First time riding the carriages?" asked a fourth year Ravenclaw upon seeing Hermione's gaping mouth.

Hermione closed her mouth then smiled nervously.


And then it was time for her to climb in a carriage herself, a few other second years were put in with her and one third year, but she was most excited to see -

"Neville! I'm so glad! You can come with me!" she told him.

Neville nervously climbed into the carriage.

"Hullo Hermione." 

He looked about ready to throw up.

"Neville, what's the matter? Have you lost Trevor?"

"No," gulped Neville, "but these carriage rides make me sick. I hate those things at the front of the carriage. . . ."

Hermione squinted, unsure of what he meant.

And then the carriages began to move forward towards the castle and Hermione watched most excitedly as the first years paddled across the water with Hagrid. She remembered doing the exact same thing just a year ago. Oh, how she was so excited. . . .

She remembered Ginny.

She was probably ever so scared!

Hermione had forgotten to mention that there was a Sorting Hat. When she reached the castle they would probably all freak out, discussing the way they'd be Sorted.

Hermione, who had done a lot of research on Hogwarts thought there would be a test.

She couldn't imagine what Ginny's classmates would assume this year.

"Look, we're almost there!" a second year Hufflepuff said, pointing towards the castle. He looked so happy it was as if he'd never seen Hogwarts ever before. He nearly jumped out of the carriage until another second year Hufflepuff yelled at him to sit down.

Finally, they began to climb out of the carriage and join the throng of students entering the castle into the entrance hall and then into the Great Hall. 

It was just as Hermione remembered.

Candles bobbed up and down through the air around the four House tables,which were set with hundreds of empty dinner plates. And the enchanted ceiling was a brilliant midnight blue, not yet black. The bright golden stars clashed perfectly against it.

Everyone began to take their seats at their own House tables.

Hermione took a seat at the Gryffindor table by Neville.

They looked up into the high table, unto the teachers and Hermione's heart stopped.

Gilderoy Lockhart.

"Oooooh!" Neville shrieked. "Look Hermione! You won't believe it!" 

"Yes, Neville, I know, isn't he -?" But Hermione never got to say what he was because she saw only know that Neville was not pointing at Gilderoy, as gorgeous as he was. Professor Snape's seat was empty.

Hermione didn't know if she should be worried or glad.

Professor Snape of course was her least favorite teacher and  his absence would be celebrated by everyone but the Slytherins, who very much liked their Head of House.

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