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6:15 AM. 20TH MAY 2019.

The alarm clock began to ring through Gianna's ears as her sleep deprived body groaned. Sleep was something that she had always taken for granted. The feeling of waking up completely refreshed and ready for the day ahead seemed a distant memory since she had been put on the case. Every single night she would lie awake, her head spinning, attempting to make some sense, any sense, of what had been happening in Chester Valley. As she dragged herself into her overly cramped shower cubicle her thoughts drifted to the man she had encountered the night before. He wasn't really the type to blend into a crowd and had a distinctive look about him, 'clearly not from around town' Gianna muttered to herself. His perfectly styled dark auburn hair and chiseled jawline stuck in Gianna's mind as being out of character for their small rural town and she found it difficult to forget his face. One thing she certainly would not forget were his cold grey eyes, seemingly lifeless. Gianna had never seen eyes like them and she thought to herself that she would not soon forget them whilst locking up her flat. As Gianna yawned turning for the stairs she collided into someone dropping her keys. As he bent down to retrieve them for her she caught a glimpse of the perfectly styled auburn hair from the night before. This wasn't anybody. It was the stranger who had captivated her morning thoughts. Coyly tucking her wet hair behind one ear she stuttered,

"Oh... I'm so sorry...completely my fault"

As he stood up handing her keys she caught a second glance at his cold grey eyes completely lost in their trance as he replied,

"Gianna it must be? You're even more beautiful than I was told...Lenny said you'd show me around since I'm new to town. I would have introduced myself last night but... I was in a rush. I'm Rasmus."

Gianna already blushing from the compliment tried to hold back a smile as he extended his muscular fore arm and they engaged in what could only be described as an incredibly awkward handshake. Gianna racked her mind kicking herself for not putting on any make up or that nice new skirt she bought at the weekend before responding.

"Yeah, call me Gia. I have a lunch break around two this afternoon so I could give you the tour then if you're free?"

Gianna tried to say this with all the confidence she could fervour afraid her nerves would come across, but sure enough Rasmus replied,

"Okay, see you at the station Gia"

He then proceeded to enter the apartment at the end of hall and Gia rushed down the stairs her heart beating out of her chest from the tension between them. She smiled to herself on the way to work looking forward to her date with Rasmus. Date? She thought to herself. No. Gia knew that she had to focus on her career and the investigation. Then she thought of what Rasmus had said, saying he'd meet her at the station. How had he known where she had worked? Should she really be meeting someone she has no clue about? Gia tried not to get herself too worked up reassuring herself that Lenny, the landlord, must have told him she was a detective for the local police. She didn't have much time to ponder on the issue as she opened the door to the station her friend Marv holding a file rushed up,

"Gia... there was another last night. Same wounds."

Gia frantically flicked through the crime scene photos whilst sitting at her desk. Young girl, only eighteen years old, in the band at the local high school. She had long flowing dark brown hair and big green eyes. Gia struggled to hold back tears looking at her lifeless body sprawled on a pavement, only a block away from her flat. This had been the forth death in the town in just over a month. When the first body was found Gia had assumed it was a drifter who they would never be able to catch. But when more bodies came in Gia just became more and more stumped. All the bodies had been drained of their blood from the carotid artery and none of the victims were connected, all of varying genders and ages. Gia felt a lot of pressure from her station and the town to find the monster who was hurting their community but she had no leads. This was Gia's second homicide case and she was completely out of her depth. Before she knew it she felt a cold firm tap on the shoulder. Rasmus. Gia felt relieved she had an excuse to forget about the case, even for just half an hour.

"Hey Gia",

Rasmus' calm and soothing tone relaxed Gia immediately and she felt slightly confused as to why she felt so at ease with a man she had only just met.

"Hey, only feels like two minutes since I last saw you"

Gia immediately cringed at what she had just said and tried to hide her flushing cheeks under her unkept hair. Rasmus laughed softly and before he could reply Gia jumped up,

"Really tough case...time flies working on it. I'll just get my coat"

As they left the station Gia tried to remember the last time she had felt this nervous around a guy. She tried to will herself not to be attracted to him but she couldn't help it. She couldn't control herself. She even started to imagine the feeling of his slightly stubbled chin brushing against hers as their lips interlocked. Walking down the main street pointing out various different landmarks they strolled together with ease.

"So Gia,"

Rasmus interrupted as she explained the boring history of the town fountain, taking her hand and perching on the outer stone,

"Would you like to go for breakfast with me tomorrow?"

"Why not dinner?" Gia playfully replied squeezing his hand slightly and leaning in,

" at night. Mornings are better for me"

Rasmus let go of Gia's hand and stood up again placing his hands in his jean front pockets slightly revealing his toned stomach. Gia felt slightly embarrassed he had rebuffed her advances and wondered if he felt the same attraction that she did.So she simply replied,

"Sure," so as not to seem too keen glancing casually down at the floor.

"I'll knock on at 7 - see you then" Rasmus replied before bending down and softly kissing Gia's cheek. Her face burned as he walked away, Gia put her hand to her check closing her eyes as she remembered the touch of his lips. She yearned for the next time she would be able to look in his deep grey eyes again.


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