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8:00 PM. 19TH MAY 2019.

"For Christ's sake Addy you can't just leave your mess and expect me to clean it up. They're going to fucking find us if you don't get it together. I'll be home later - just go back to the flat and stay inside. I'll see you then"

Rasmus proceeded to hang up stuffing his phone back into his pocket. His brows furrowed with worry for his sister Addilyn as he tried to make his way to the nearest diner. As he strolled down the street of their new home Rasmus caught a glimpse of a woman entering their flat block. Her mousy brown hair flowed just past the shoulders and he suddenly caught her gaze. Her large hazel eyes met his, but only for a brief moment before she turned and went inside. Rasmus racked his mind for the name of the woman his landlord had spoken about earlier. After a few minutes he muttered "Gianna" under his breath before wondering why his mind had become so fixated upon a woman he had only seen for a matter of milliseconds. Rasmus was so preoccupied that he almost forgot why he had left the flat. Then suddenly it overcame him yet again. The all consuming feeling of hunger that Rasmus had been controlled by ever since he could remember. Back on task Rasmus thought to himself.

The bell echoed as he entered the diner and took a seat in the nearest booth. Before he could even take off his jacket a chirpy young girl was leaning over his table with a pen and pad,

"Hey! I'm Lou your server tonight - what can I get you?"

Her dark brown hair tumbled down over her shoulders and her smile lit up the dreary diner as she waited for his response.

"Just coffee" Rasmus mumbled unfolding a map he had taken from his back pocket.

He chewed the end of his pen as he studied the map tracing his finger along the red line all the way from New Mexico to Michigan, Chester Valley. His head began throbbing from the hunger he felt as Lou returned with the coffee. Coffee always helped Rasmus control himself. Suddenly he felt her green eyes staring at him,

"Not from around here?" Lou enquired

"Well originally from the town over, moved around a lot but back home now" Rasmus lied

"I can't wait to get out of town," Lou responded "I graduate this year and I want to go and be a musician in New York"

Rasmus could barely focus on what Lou was saying. All he could hear was her blood pumping through the vain on her neck. Rasmus knew he was loosing control. He leant gently towards her ear whispering,

"Meet me outside the back in half an hour"

As Rasmus whispered he placed his hand on the back on her neck. His veins glowed as he spoke and he could feel her pulse under the palm of his hand. Before Rasmus got too carried away he abruptly released her and Lou simply nodded blankly and went back to pouring coffee for various other customers.

Rasmus looked back at the map on the table and sighed. They had been on the run for months. Every single place they tried to make a home of, The Shapers found them. There was a very delicate balance in the world. Humans, or Groggers as they were nicknamed, were blissfully unaware of the different species that inhabited their world, lived among them. There were The Shapers, they were the most powerful creatures to have ever walked the earth. They possess powerful magic and Rasmus had never seen their true face. They are elusive creatures who got what they wanted whenever they wanted. Rasmus and Addilyn were known as creatures of the shadows and second from the top of the food chain. The Shapers had been pursuing them for months in search of Addilyn and although Rasmus loved his sister he longed to be able to stop running. Addy had never told Rasmus what she had done and why they were pursuing her for fear it would put her brother in more danger. Rasmus had begged her to tell him what had happened but he knew Addy. If he pushed her too hard she would leave and he would never see her again. This was the sixth flat they had lived in over the past month and he hoped that Chester Valley would be their home for more than a few days.

Before Rasmus got too deep into his thoughts he heard the bell once again echo through the diner. Lou was leaving for their arranged rendezvous, Rasmus slipped out of his booth and trailed her to behind the diner. Her large green eyes glistened in the moonlight as he advanced towards her again placing his hand on the back of her neck. He whispered in her ear,

"Do not make a sound and forget you ever saw me when you leave"

He then took her wrist and pressed up his lips. He proceeded to pierce her skin with his exposed fangs. It felt incredible. Rasmus did not want it to feel this way but he could not ignore the euphoria he felt at that moment. He then removed his dripping mouth from her skin wiping off excess with his free hand. He reached into his coat pocket retrieving a bandage to place on Lou's wrist and watched as she walked on home in the distance. He had not always had this control. When he first was welcomed as a creature of the shadows Rasmus took many a life. It was a time he had pushed to the back of his mind and did not want to resurface.

The passing of hunger pangs did not last long and his incessant need for blood returned within an hour. As Rasmus was strolling around he began thinking of the woman he had seen earlier. Usually he wasn't attracted to Groggers but Gianna seemed different. Rasmus didn't have a clue why he was so fascinated by her but all he knew was that he needed to see her again. After a while he began to make his way to the alleyway around the back street of his flat to meet his contact. He had arranged to meet one of his friends from back in New York to find out any new knowledge on The Shapers and their pursuit. As he leant against the wall waiting in the corner of his eye he noticed a body slumped over the pavement. He recognised the dark brown locks covering the woman's face and as he leant further he saw her forearm outstretched in the road. There it was. The bandage. Rasmus began to panic as the realisation this was Lou from the diner dawned on him. So many thoughts rushed through his mind. The Shapers had found them and were sending a message. He had to rush back to Addy and they had to leave. Then he saw the two incisions on her neck. This was not The Shapers. This was the work of a creature of the shadows. Rasmus felt uneasy. Clearly there was someone new in town who wanted to make themselves known...or was this was a message to Rasmus that he was in another's territory and they were not pleased at his arrival.


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