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Dream wandered throughout the large variety of universes, carefully avoiding each folder of papers. The universes used to be sparse bits of paper scattered across this empty section of time and space but now there were so many of them. So the creator of these universes organised each universe into a main category and threw them into a coloured folder.

Even with the folders, the space is quite full.

Dream flicked his cape to avoid touching a disintegrating folder. He walked past it after sparing a glance.

"Ah, Error is doing well I see, still kicking after his last debacle with Ink."

His yellow eyelights drifted over the few dozen folders collapsing around him, 'unimportant glitches' is what Error would say. But he was the destroyer of universes so he had every right to think that.

"As long as he does his job." Dream mused to himself. Continuing to breeze past each floating folder, heading to the centre where the most meticulously planned universes lived. And where the creator lived.

"Good to see you Dream, nice to have some company every once is a while." Ink stated not even looking up from his paint splattered desk and another alternate universe. Dream chuckled leaning over to see what Ink was doing, the creator stood a metre and a half shorter than Dream so this was a breeze.

"I would say the same to you, but it seems as though you have not slept for many moons. Though it is to be expected. You haven't left after your defeat in battle with Er-"


Ink broke his pencil in two. He was very fond of each universe he made, though he did eventually forget about the older ones unless they played an important role. Inhaling the creator looked up, multicoloured and shaped eyelights looking into yellow ones. A clean of frustrated sadness leaked through them.

"Dream, please, don't say his name." Ink's voice grew hoarse and Dream had to sympathise with him. Though had no Soul it did not make him evil, he simply couldn't feel without his coloured crystals. And at this point, Dream doubted he could live without them. "He, he destroyed so much. He killed so many, so many lives were lost. He's going after more than one at a time and I can't keep up."

Ink's eyelights dimmed and his body seemed to grey. Dream understood what it meant to have what is precious taken away, but Ink has so much of it. He has more to loose.

"While I do not understand your pain I can help you feel better. Please allow me to help you rest up easy."

A grin spread across his face whilst a tired one sketched its way onto Ink's.

"Bud I don't need sleep I'll be fine."

Dream huffed arms reaching out to lift Ink.

"Sleep you may not need but it is what you shall get. A good night's, well, prolonged period of time's rest will have you at peak performance. You are allowed to nag me only when you awaken."

Ink grunted in surprise as he was hoisted into the air and over Dream's back. He sometimes forgets how large his fellow protector was.

"Promise to guard my dreams oh Heavenly Protector of Emotions?" Ink mocked not even trying to escape the latter's hold knowing his attempts would prove futile.

Dream chuckled, his voice had deepened over the years. Though it could not compare to, someone else, many lived for the soothing sound.

"Of course my friend. I would not being doing my job if I failed this task."


The crumbling universe echoed with the harsh screams of many, its codes colliding with one another. It would collapse complete soon enough.

In the centre of the chaos the harbinger of this madness stood. Skeletal hand in navy blue, jumper pockets as he surveyed the area with a pleased grin. His eyelights shifted to his left as he moved his weight to his dominant leg.

"I KnOW yOU'rE hErE, . COME On OUt."

A small breeze, a cold, stifling breeze, moved through the destroyer as he stood next to the now materialised being. The destroyer inhaled gleefully.

"yOU WErE rIGht, thIS WAS MORE fUn."

He glanced to the taller figure, neck craning upwards as a child's would when looking at an adult.

"WhAt'dyA thInK,"

The taller looked down all but one socket shrouded in a dark purple sludge. It gleamed and slid down his body, some landing on the decaying snow around them but simply melting into nothing upon contact. His singular eyelight looked out towards the evaporating trees, seemingly judging their existence.


It's coming, a war is on the horizon, a silent war that will tear through the mental city walls many have strived to build.

How long will they last?


I'm building some things up in the background so you can choose to ignore it if you will.

But Ayo, how's life and how're you? What's poppin' heart stoppin'?

I'm done but thanks to the people who have read this, it means a whole bunch of... something really nice to me!


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