•°*•{Character 1}•*°•

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It can't be... That's Impossible!

Y/N, Jongho, and Mingi was at the library, Y/N was a little book worm and was getting books that was about each monsters origins. There was a book about the ghoul origin but it was on the top bookshelf. She looked at Mingi and pointed at the book.

"Mingi can you get that ghoul book, it's between that blue book and green book."

Mingi reached and got the book. Pointed at it with a 'this one?' Look, which Y/N nodded. He handed it to her and smiled. They all sat down and began looking.

Jongho was getting hungry and started to whine.

"Uuughhh!! Where's a human when you need it??"

Y/N looked at him and chuckled, she grabbed her bag and took out her blood water bottle from this morning and gave it to Jongho, he looked at her confused.

"It's not much but all three of us can share drink together, so we won't attack a human, here."

Y/N gave him a sweet delicate smile, Jongho took a sip and gave the it to Mingi. While they were drinking Y/N found a fun little fact that vamps and wolfs have in common,

"Hey listen to this! 'The Vampire Queen and the Werewolf Queen share a similar power, seeing the future, both Queens would talk to each other if the vision is has their children in it.' That's so insane! I never knew that! Mingi write that, we'll put that."

Mingi nodded and did what he has been told, Jongho gave back Y/N's water bottle back.

"Don't worry I've saved you the rest, thank you princess Jung."

"Ohh please don't call me that~~ just call me Y/N, and your welcome, anything for my people."

Jongho and Mingi fell asleep from the hard work but Y/N was still researching. She noticed that the vampire and werewolf origins are a little similar, for example the birth mark, the sun and moon birth mark, but still have a lot difference. She was reading until she stopped and her eyes widen, and read it more slower.

'It's possible if the moon and sun birth mark can be found on both werewolf and vampire, however; it's very very rare. A half werewolf and half vampire are really rare. 1/100,000,000 is born every 100 years. The moon mark is always on the female {werewolf or vampire}
And the sun on the male {werewolf or vampire}.'

Y/N was beyond dumbfounded. She couldn't believe it.

What?? But... How is that- WHAT??

She just wrote the quote in her notes she checked the time and it's almost lunch so woke up her partners and checked out the books.

"Found anything interesting while me and Jongho were asleep?"

Y/N looked at him, the look of amazement but also confusion.

"I did... I'm having a hard time believing it though... What I found is that the birth mark, that the Royal Families have... It's somewhat possible... That a vampire and a werewolf can have it... Like.. The female will have the moon and the male will have the sun! Do NOT I repeat DO NOT tell ANYONE this. Got it?"

~|••¥••|~ The Moon Tattoo... ~|••¥••|~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora