•°*•{Chapter 3}•*°•

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It was time for the wedding, Y/N was super excited but yet nervous, she was trying out her moms old wedding dress. Perfect fit.

"So how do you feel? Having a werewolf husband?"

Y/N's mom asked the last question with a wiggled eyebrow that made
Y/N scoffed.

"Oh my omg mom you're so dirty minded."

"I know, but I was surprised that I'm going to have a Zamcin grandbaby. I've heard those are very rare, only born in 200 years right?"

"No, every 100 years mom. The next one will be born in 3019, or somewhere in there. I'm excited for today mom I really am but I'm really nervous about... You know the-"

"The honeymoon?"

Y/N slowly swallowed and nodded.

"Why are you nervous you had sex with those midnight snacks of yours before you even met your mate."

"I didnt... I just made out with them until they want me and THAN I eat them. Mom I'm still a cherry."

Her mom eyes widen, she slightly nodded and looked up at her daughter where she was sitting.

"Well it's going to hurt, but you'll get use of his size and you'll have a blast. Your still a cherry so it'll be a blast for him as well, because downstairs is really tight, and how big it is it'll hurt, but don't get it through your head ok? You'll be fine just a little sore in the morning. Now I'll get your aunties for your makeup."

And just like that the Queen walked out of the room leaving Y/N dumbfounded. Y/N wants to see Seonghwa right now. She couldn't sleep at all. She heard the door open and it was Yeosang, prince of the ghouls.

"You look beautiful in that wedding dress, Seonghwa really wants to see you but wedding rules, it's bad luck if the groom is the bride."

Yeosang took out blood wine (blood wine isn't alcohol btw its like a soda you can alcohol if you like) he walked over and sat down. He took out two glasses and pours the blood.

"What blood type is it?"

"AB blood type, it's my favorite. And O type is my second favorite. What's yours?"

"Mines is O type, I like the sweet after taste, but AB blood type is good too, it has a rich taste to it."

Yeosang gave Y/N her blood, she took a sip. Her aunties came in, Yeosang got up and waved Y/N goodbye and she did the same.

{Auntie Zuni}
"Your friends with the ghoul prince? How are they like their like walking skeletons but still have flesh on them."

"Their alright we just drink together that's all Auntie Zuni, he's a chill guy."

{Auntie Sunni}
"There's a rumor that he's gay, is that true?"

"Mhm, both his parents are supporting him and his lover, I met him is name is Yunho. His a very sweet guy and they truly love each other."

Y/N's aunties were shocked, Y/N looked at them with concern.

"Do... You like gay people... Auntie Zu and Su?"

Both of her aunties hesitated to speak, Y/N gave them a very dark glare. Making her aunties slowly swallowed.

"If you make them uncomfortable with their sexuality your getting kicked out do I make myself clear? Now come over and do my makeup."

Y/N is really not to f*ck with when she's angry. Everyone knew that so her aunties did her makeup making her beautiful even more.

It was time to walk down the small path to the groom. Y/N gently grabbed her 10 roses and started to walk down. The doors open all of the werewolf citizens and all of the vampire citizens we're there as well, she smiled at all of them. She looked up and saw Seonghwa in a very dark purple close to black. Y/N softly smiled at Seonghwa, Seonghwa shyly smiled back.

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