💎C H A P T E R I I💎

36 5 5

Date: August, 30, 2018
Time: 12:45 pm

Jungkook's POV

I sigh to myself tiredly as I walk towards my house, thank the Lord that we have a half-day today or else I think I won't survive. I approach the gate of my house to open it but was surprised to see a bouquet of pink gladioli's hanging on the gate's handle. Oh shit, don't gladioli's mean infatuation?

I hurriedly but carefully took the bouquet from the handle before rushing in the house to check who the bouquet was from. I nearly drop the bouquet on the floor in shock as I read the small folded card in the middle of the gladioli's that read 'To: Kookie From: Kim Taehyung'. I gulp as I open the folded card, letting out a small gasp at his perfect handwriting

'I hope you like the nickname Kookie, that's what you're going to hear from me a lot baby. Especially later baby because you'll be calling me okay? My number's xxx-xxx-xxx <3' the writings inside the note read, making my heart pound. Holy shit, he's just as sweet as I imagined him to be, fuck my homework telling Hoseok this is more important than some quadratic equation shit that I can solve easily within minutes

After I put the flowers inside a beautiful vase I rush out of the house, phone in hand and struggling to close the gate with a full hand. I run to Hobi hyung's place which is pretty close to be honest, about a five minute walk so I could cut that time to two if I run. I reach Hoseok hyung's house and open his gate with the key he gave about a year after we met then enter his house through his door, not bothering to knock

I can hear the shower running upstairs but it suddenly stops and I can hear the sound of something or someone falling then rushed footsteps following after. I snicker knowing that it was only Hobi hyung overreacting, probably thinking I'm an intruder or something

"WHO THE HELL IS THERE?!" He yells as he comes into full view with his damp hair dripping onto the steps and robe covered body, his hand grasping onto the acacia handrail the other holding a toilet brush defensively

I laugh at him as he looks at me in annoyance before stomping back up to continue his shower in peace. I continue to snicker to myself before walking into the kitchen, helping myself to whatever Hobi hyung had, which wasn't much but hey I just have to deal with it and make both of us some dinner with it

I managed to make some adobo (a friend of mine from university is Filipino and taught me how to cook adobo because she said I can't keep bugging her about cooking me adobo) with the chicken in his fridge and left it on the kitchen island to cool down while I waited for Hobi hyung to go down in the living room

"Okay so why the hell are you here?" Hobi hyung asks when he got down, hair dry and wearing some of his more comfortable clothes

"I am going to tell you something mind blowing" I said to him making Hobi hyung excited and running up to my side to hear my story

"Calm down hyung! Let's continue this in the kitchen, I have some adobo there" I said to him, pulling him towards the direction of the kitchen

"So just read this card and it'll pretty much explain what happened" I said as I ate my adobo and handed him the card that Taehyung had sent me

As I ate my adobo in silence, letting Hobi hyung read the card so I did expect him to be surprised but not this surprised that he would be speechless. He then suddenly yells, startling me and making me nearly choke as he was yelling profanities along with nonsense

"HYUNG OMG STOP! I'M GONNA CALL HIM RIGHT NOW SO CALM YOUR TITS" I yell after I swallow my almost choked out piece

"OMG YES!" He yells as he practically shovels down food into his mouth making me look at him in disgust but I shook my head and continued on typing the number into my phone

Add new contact Kim Taehyungie <3 ?

[] yes [ ] no

Contact added as Kim Taehyungie <3

With a shaky finger I click the call button, anxiety rising as I heard every ring

Dialing Kim Taehyungie <3...

Taehyung's POV

I rub my tired eyes as I looked at my ringing phone that I had discarded on top of my leather couch with my other miscellaneous shit. I walk away from my papers and check my phone, furrowing my eyebrows when my phone glowed with an unknown caller

(Don't mind the time)

"Hello?" I asked the caller. I could hear a squeal and another voice, much closer to the microphone, shush the one who squealed

"H-hi Taehyung"

Oh, so this is Kookie hmm?

"Hi Kookie" I say with a small smile on my face, him making me relaxed just by his shy voice

"H-how are you hyung?"

"I'm doing fine baby, how about you? I was also meaning to ask you something..." I say, taking a seat when I remembered Yoongi hyung's message about finding him a date for something I couldn't remember

"I'm doing fine as well hyung, what'd you want to ask me?"

"If you have a friend who's looking for someone to date that preferably does not care about age" I say to him. I can hear him gasp and cutely say 'yes' in an almost inaudible tone

"I actually do hyung, he says he's okay with it"

"Okay then baby, oh wait babe I think I might have to end this early. My assistant is telling me I'm about to have a meeting" I say to him as I nod towards Namjoon and stood up from the couch and flip through my papers for the info about the partner who I was meeting today

"Okay hyung, take care"

"Of course baby, take care as well" I say to him before hanging up and continue to flip through my papers

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