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oh my GOD i took a BREAK but i'm HERE .

i watched a fuckton of movies and now i'm like really into a bunch of actors ?? i finally watched heathers and that threw me into a christian slater binge and god i'm in LOVE with him alright ? also rewatched the outsiders and st. elmo's fire and hi i sTILL love rob lowe . aND i watched se7en and zodiac which were fucking amazing . silence of the lambs too but that movie was just eh . and , i hate myself for this , but i got into riverdale and watched the first two seasons in one week and i kinda really love jughead and idk what to do :(

uh some context : ben and patty live together , ben has already graduated high school and isn't going to college whilst patty is in his senior year . why does patty live with ben and not his parents ? idk ! not important !

"woah, woah, slow down," ben said, raising his hands up, silencing his boyfriend so he could register the words that were said. "let me get this straight," he continued, "you punched him?" the sentence was slow, made up of disappointment and surprise, a phrase so taken aback by the physical actions patty had inflicted.

"you're not listening, you're not letting me finish," patty argued, slightly aggravated by the conclusions ben was jumping to, the impatience he was portraying. "you don't even know why."

"i don't need to know, you can't just- just hurt someone and expect for it to pass on like it was nothing," ben's voice rose, the sudden shift in volume causing patty to flinch, but it went unnoticed. "i can't come home to find out you were sent home from school because you attempted to start a fight."

"i wasn't starting a fight!"

"you fucking hit a kid!"

patty curled up into the chair he was sat on, his sudden movement pushing the wheels back, making him slide back a few inches.

they were placed in their room, ben by the door and patty next to the desk. patty didn't dare move closer or farther because ben was heated and didn't want to mess with heated ben, so he stayed still don't move don't move he'll get mad.

"i had a reason!" patty countered, sticking his head out and narrowing his eyes. "i don't just go around smacking random students."

"i don't give a shit if you had a reason or not, that wasn't ri-"

"he was talking shit about you, ben!" patty blurted, swallowing his words after they were said with a bite of his bottom lop. his eyes dug into ben's expression, awaiting any kind of reaction. please tell me you forgive me, you'll forgive me when you find out the terrible shit that set me off. "they- they were saying nasty things. a-and i got mad, okay? i'm allowed to get mad, right? when someone calls your boyfriend a pedophile just because he's out of high school and you're not, you get mad!"

ben's cheeks flushed a dark crimson, anger suddenly washing over him. his concern with his boyfriend's attack was pushed to the back of his head, and what triggered it in its place.

"they said what?" he hissed. "they said what about us?"

"i was trying to work on my assignment, i was. but the teacher wasn't paying attention- mrs burkner never does, you know that. and these two boys- these jocks, really. i see them on the field sometimes and they're very popular. they walk up to my desk like they know me or something, but i think the only time they hear my name is when the teacher takes role. but they were walking to me and they stop at my desk, right? one of them puts his hand down and says he knows you and i say, 'ben? you know ben?'

and he said, 'that's what i said, yes?'

and i nod my head and he says you guys used to talk when he was a junior because you were very outgoing, so i wasn't surprised. but then he says that he knows about us. and at first i don't care because it's not illegal. you're nineteen and i'm almost eighteen and we never do anything sexual so it's fine. albeit he doesn't know that we're not sexually active, but who is he to assume we are?

anyway, he tells me that i shouldn't be with a predator like you and i didn't like that word so i got kind of mad and i just looked at him all mad because you're so far from a disgusting predator.

but they liked seeing me mad i think because the other boy just tells me he gets why you're with me because pedophiles like high schoolers with a baby face. and that word made me mad so i stood up and they laughed a little and kept saying our relationship would end on my birthday because then i'd be legal.

and i got really really mad. and i- well i hit one of them and then i got really dizzy and i couldn't feel the floor and i tried to throw another punch but i think i missed and i think i started crying and that's what sent the teacher over." patty explained, his words bleeding into each other from the speed of his voice. "you're not a pedo, i know. i just wish they understood."

"jesus fuck, patty," ben sighed, his hands sliding out of his pockets and onto the chair his boyfriend was on. "i kind of wanna hit them now, too."

"it was a nice feeling. until the teacher yelled at me, that is."

"did you tell her what happened?"

"i was very dizzy," patty mumbled, "i couldn't talk very well."

"i wish i was there. i could've helped you. i could've talked to them before you resorted to violence."

"you're a sweet guy, ben. always 'talkin' things out' and stuff. i could never."

ben's lips connected with patty's for a short moment before he retraced himself and said, "yeah? well, don't waste your strength on someone so filthy, okay?"

sHORT bc i don't want to be DEAD anymore .

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