Chapter six

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Isabelle's Point of View

I stood behind the boys as I looked around the building. I must have looked like I was new to a place like this and amazed, but I wasn't. I was simply looking around for that security guard and for anyone else who's out to harm the boys.

"So I just sit here, how fucking exciting." I mumbled to myself as I sat next to the boys. I heard Ashton scoff and I saw him roll his eyes since I turned to look at him.

"Should've known, you've protected other famous people too. You should know how meet and greets go." he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I have, and it is the most unexciting and uninteresting thing ever for me. I don't do anything but keep psychotic girls away from you." I said and he looked at me angrily.

"Our fans are not 'psychotic'." he said and I chuckled. "What's so funny?"

"Ashton, every famous person has that one psychotic fan that wants to hide in your suitcase or take a lock of your hair, hell probably a drop of blood to keep in a case for a necklace." I told him. "I've protected a ton of celebrities, I should know. I've had to rip a girl off of Harry Styles because she wanted some of his hair."

"So? That doesn't mean our fans will do the same. They're calm and don't want us hurt. They're very protective." he said and I nodded.

"Because calm fans mob their idols every time they come out of the airport." I scoffed but Luke cut me off before I could start my next sentence.

"Not here guys. It's gonna start in a bit and I don't think fans will like a grumpy Ashton. Save it till we get home," he said and I nodded while Ashton rolled his eyes.

"Or don't save it and forget about it so when we get home no one gets hurt, again." Calum said, shooting Ashton a pointed look. I chuckled and Ashton glared at me.

I set my elbows on my knees and and ran my hands through my hair. These boys are going to be the death of me. I've been here for a day and I've already been slapped and kissed. I've shot a spider and poured water on one of them. I don't think I can handle this for more then a week. I'll probably go crazy before the mission is even over.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I looked up. It was a security guard. Not just any, but it was the security guard. I hummed and took my hands out of my hair, crossing them on my lap. "You're that new recruit, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I am." I said and he eyed me up and down. Can I not go a day without someone eye-raping me? I hid my annoyance behind a smile, and asked him politely, "What do you need?"

"I was wondering if that boy, Calum, has said anything to you or did anything. He can get real, touchy and tended to let things, slip out." he said, pausing every now and then. "Also, I'm sure you're thirsty, and was wondering if you wanted anything to drink."

"You're a security guard, not an assistant. You don't get coffee and drinks for us, you protect them." I said with a fake chuckle at the end. "And no, he hasn't said anything, or done anything." I lied and he nodded.

"It's fine, since you're here with the boys, I'm sure they're protected." the way he believed in me, gave it all away. I'm sure he knew who I was, due to the fact he hasn't questioned, how and why I'm here. "I'll get you a bottle of cold water.

The way he didn't question me gave away the fact he did know who I was. I mean, wouldn't you question a twenty year old girl who was assigned to protect four grown boys? I would if I was him. I silently scoffed at the guy, he was obviously not trained very well. If he was, he would have known to question things, regardless if he already knew it.

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