The Letter

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It's my second week at muggle school and I still keep hoping I'm going to get a letter from Hogwarts, I know it will never happen but I want it so bad and it hurts me to think I'm a failure to my family , all the women in my family got in and I was the only woman not to.

I was walking to my second lesson of the day , being late as usual because who cares anymore , when a beautiful golden brown feathered tawny owl flew down and dropped a letter on the ground before flying away , fluttering it's feathers in the wind. As I picked the letter up I saw the first few words from who it was sent from 'Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry' I instantly sprinted home without even thinking , I was so excited that I couldn't care less about muggle school. As soon as I ran into the house I read the letter aloud for my mother to hear without even noticing the Weasley family were sat in the living room until after I read -
Letter from Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry,
*Readers name(rn)* ,
We are proud to announce to you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry, I'm sorry the letter is late , the last owl took a tumble on the way, you will be starting tomorrow morning . 10 am.
Sincerely Dumbledore
I swear I've never been happier , i looked up to find all the Weasley's clapping , I instantly turned red 'I-I didn't know you were coming over ' I say out of embarrassment. Fred and George run over and give me a hug and agreed to come shopping for my equipment for Hogwarts. They were bursting with joy and so was I. I couldn't wait!

We started off as friends. (George Weasley x reader)Where stories live. Discover now